Food Protection

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 03-31-2016
See current policy
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 03-31-2016
- Responsible University Office:
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Policy Contact:
University Environmental Health and Safety
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
This policy applies to all food service, preparation, storage, and sales in all areas owned or operated by Indiana University and its affiliates. These registered operations include, but are not limited to; residential dining, catering operations, temporary events, athletic concessions, Greek organizations and any other facility where food is prepared, processed, or released to an individual or group.
Policy Statement
The policy of Indiana University is to provide safe, sanitary, and unadulterated food service. Indiana University will maintain compliance with federal, state, and local public health rules and regulations. By adoption of this policy Indiana University administration grants the authority to University Environmental Health and Safety to enforce the contents of this policy and accompanying program documents.
Reason for Policy
Indiana University is resolute in sustaining compliance with the established Partnership Agreement between the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) and Indiana University Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) which provides regulatory authority for state food law for the areas specified in the agreement. This includes the establishment of annual registration and fees for applicable retail food establishments.
In addition to regulation, all properties are subject to university policies designed to ensure safe food service for all IU community members and guests.
Policy administration is to be established through the applicable Food Protection programs, Retail Food Establishments programs and Temporary Event Food Service programs under university policy and the enforcement of local, state, and federal rules and regulations. All visitors, students, employees, including staff and faculty, volunteers, external vendors, contracted vendors, and applicable retail food establishments must meet and follow their respective campus programs and applicable regulations for food protection when offering or selling food to the campus public. IUEHS and applicable regulatory authorities will oversee, review, permit, register, inspect, regulate, and enforce university programs and food safety regulations within their purview on all IU campuses.
Retail Food Establishments
Any Indiana University owned, operated, or affiliated entity which stores, serves, prepares, packages, vends, or otherwise provides food for human consumption, such as campus housing units, dormitories, Greek housing units, concession stands, academic buildings, and other food service vendors under contract with Indiana University, are required to follow the following procedures:
Food Protection Program for Retail Food Establishments
Temporary Food Events
Any entity not specified under Retail Food Establishments which serves food to the public for fourteen or fewer consecutive days in conjunction with a single event or celebration with the approval of the university on any Indiana University campus is required to follow the following procedures:
Temporary Event Food Service Program
Food Service Employee Health
All food employees shall report to their person-in-charge (PIC) if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Jaundice
- Sore throat with fever
- Lesions (such as boils and infected wounds, regardless of size) containing pus on the fingers, hand or any exposed body part.
They shall also notify their PIC whenever diagnosed, or when someone they live with is diagnosed, with Salmonellosis, Shigellosis, Escherichia coli (E.coli), Hepatitis A virus, or Norovirus. PICs shall notify IUEHS when employees report these conditions.
IUEHS will work with the establishment to ensure that the proper exclusion, restriction, and clearance to return to work are provided and followed.
Note the following exceptions to this policy:
- Vending machines offering individually and commercially packaged non-potentially hazardous foods.
- Private temporary events that are not open to the public.
- Programs operated by Indiana University off-campus. These operations are covered by the local health department or equivalent entity with jurisdiction. IUEHS is available for consultation and assistance in these instances.
- Some temporary retail food events may be pre-approved in blanket form by IUEHS with sufficient and appropriate program documents being filed with this office. See the Temporary Event Food Service Program for more details.
- University Environmental Health and Safety (IUEHS) is responsible for:
- Liaising with other applicable related groups and regulatory authorities, such as the Indiana Department of Health.
- Local county health departments as needed.
- Implementing, regulating, and enforcing this Policy and its appendices, the Partnership Agreement with the Indiana State Department of Health, and applicable food law.
- Conducting pre-operational, routine, follow up, temporary, and other inspections of food service facilities and special events that provide food for short periods of time.
- Conducting mandatory plan reviews for change of ownership, renovation, and/or newly constructed retail food service establishments and grant approval of plans, once compliant, prior to the start of construction and operation of the establishment.
- Conducting consumer complaint and foodborne illness investigations as needed.
- Offering and conducting food safety education and training when needed or requested.
- Conducting occasional non-regulatory Food Defense Vulnerability Assessments and assisting Retail Food Establishments in developing and maintaining Food Defense Plans.
- Conducting enforcement, interpretation, and recommendations of rules and regulations under IUEHS purview and that are referenced in this policy.
- Ensuring every Retail Food Establishment registers with IUEHS annually and pays an annual registration fee.
- Providing technical support and consultation to all IU Retail Food Establishments and events.
- Implementation, regulation, and enforcement of all elements of the Temporary Event Food Service Program.
- Retail Food Establishments are responsible for:
- Performing all food service operations in accordance with this policy and with all applicable regulations.
- Ensuring that food service employees are aware of and comply with, the Indiana University Food Service Employee Health provisions of this policy.
- Cooperation with inspectors and timely remediation of deficiencies found during inspections.
- Completing and submitting all registration documents, plan review materials (in conjunction with architects), and fees in a timely manner.
- Providing notification to regulatory authority for any significant equipment changes and/or facility upgrades.
- Temporary Food Establishments are responsible for:
- Performing all food service operations in accordance with this policy and all applicable regulations.
- Ensuring that food service employees are aware of and comply with, the Indiana University Food Service Employee Health provisions of this policy.
- Cooperation with inspectors and timely remediation of deficiencies found during inspections.
- Capital Planning & Facilities is responsible for:
- Completion and submission of plan review materials to IUEHS.
- Consultation, design and construction meetings with various stakeholders within the University.
- Supervising contractor’s work.
- University Departments, Groups, and Affiliated Organizations holding events with food service are responsible for:
- Submitting temporary event applications to the appropriate groups within the established timeframes for review.
- Ensuring compliance with applicable requirements detailed in this policy, and any additional requirements provided by IUEHS.
- Using best practices and following applicable food safety rules and regulations in an effort to minimize the chance of foodborne illness.
- Indiana University’s Office of Insurance, Loss Control & Claims (INLOCC) is responsible for:
- Ensuring that vendors meet INLOCC insurance liability and vendor requirements for the service of food and alcohol.
- Indiana University’s Office of Procurement Services, Auxiliary Services is responsible for:
- Ensuring that vendors are in compliance with departmental policies, contracts, exclusivity, and first right of refusal relating to food service on Indiana University properties.
Policy and program definitions may be sourced through the applicable local, state, or federal rule or regulation. Additional definitions are available within program documents.
Sanctions for failure to comply with Indiana Food Law are detailed in Title 410 IAC 7-23: Schedule of Civil Penalties
Additional Contacts
Contact | |
University Environmental Health and Safety | |
Environmental Health and Safety, IUB | |
Environmental Health and Safety, Indiana University Regional Campuses | |
Environmental Health and Safety, IUI | |
This policy was established in March 2016.
In July 2024, references to the renamed IU Indianapolis campus were updated in this policy.
Please note: This is an archived version of the policy. View the current version.