Transfer Credit From an Associate’s College Applied to an Indiana University Baccalaureate Degree

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 03-04-2008
See current policy
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 03-04-2008
- Responsible University Office:
- University Transfer Office
- Responsible University Administrator:
- University Faculty Council
- Policy Contact:
- Carolyn Gentle-Genitty, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for University Academic Policy, Director of University Transfer Office
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
- Whereas the faculty of Indiana University have principal responsibility for the integrity of the baccalaureate degrees that they confer, and
- Whereas two-year Associate’s Colleges,* Baccalaureate Colleges,* and Doctorate-granting Universities* have distinct missions within our educational system, and
- Whereas students who intend to transfer to pursue a baccalaureate degree at Indiana University should be encouraged to matriculate at Indiana University once they have completed work on an Associate Degree, and
- Whereas Indiana University lacks a clear and consistent policy on transfer of credit from two-year Associate’s Colleges
- Be it resolved that the Indiana University University Faculty Council adopts the following "Policy On Transfer Credit From an Associate’s College Applied to an Indiana University Baccalaureate Degree."
Except as described below, no more than 64 semester credit hours earned from Associate’s Colleges may be applied to any Indiana University baccalaureate degree system-wide and no new articulation agreements with Associate's Colleges may exceed this limit. Additional credit hours may be transferred in but can not be applied to a degree. Individual schools or campuses can choose to further limit the number of credits from an Associate’s College applicable to their baccalaureate degrees. Vincennes University will be considered an Associate’s College except in the areas for which it has accredited baccalaureate degrees. Existing articulation agreements with Associate’s Colleges that apply more than 64 credit hours to an Indiana University baccalaureate degree must be reviewed by the original parties to the agreement and brought into compliance with this policy by Fall Semester 2010. This limit shall not apply under the following circumstances:
- Existing articulation agreements for more than 64 credit hours will be honored for: any studentwho has already transferred to Indiana University, or, any student who is enrolled in an Associate’s College before the adoption of the policy and receives an articulated associate’s degree, provided that they complete their Indiana University baccalaureate degree within the required time period set by the campus or school.
- Exceptions can be made for articulated associate’s degree programs that require more than 64 credit hours for a graduate to sit for a professional licensing exam, for professional certification, or to satisfy the requirements of accrediting organizations. Some examples are the Nursing A.S.N, Respiratory Therapy AS and the Dental Hygiene AS. The chief academic officer of each campus may grant such exceptions or, in the case of system-level agreements, they can be granted through agreement among affected chief academic officers. Should these chief academic officers not reach agreement, the President of the University shall arbitrate the dispute and grant or deny such exceptions.
Definitions from Carnegie Classifications: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Associate’s College: Includes institutions where the highest degree conferred is at the associate’s degree or, or where bachelor's degrees account for less than 10 percent of all undergraduate degrees. (Also known as community colleges, junior colleges).
Baccalaureate Colleges, Master’s Colleges, or Universities/Doctoral-granting Universities: Institutions are included in these categories if bachelor’s degrees accounted for at least 10 percent of all undergraduate degrees, and may also include specific numbers of Master’s level or PhD level students. All IU campuses meet or exceed the Carnegie Classification of “Baccalaureate Colleges”.
Please note: This is an archived version of the policy. View the current version.