Rules Determining Resident and Nonresident Student Status for Indiana University Fee Purposes

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 07-01-2011
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 01-22-2025
- Responsible University Office:
- Office of the Vice President for Strategic Operations
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Vice President for Strategic Operations
- Policy Contact:
Associate Vice President for University Enrollment Services
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
This policy applies to all students at Indiana University (IU) for the purposes of classifying students as residents or non-residents for tuition and fee purposes. This policy also has implications for all IU officials who provide guidance to students on the residency classification process as well as those who are authorized to make residency decisionsPolicy Statement
The State of Indiana has delegated to IU and its Trustees the ability to set and collect on tuition, fees, and other charges pursuant to I.C. 21-14-2-1, and to clearly define residency requirements for tuition- and fee-paying purposes. Because Indiana residents make significant tax contributions to support both IU and other public state entities, IU recognizes the importance of establishing clear parameters to differentiate between resident and non-resident students when it comes to tuition and fees. These distinctions also allow IU to attract, enroll, educate, and graduate the next generation of Hoosiers who will have a positive impact on the State of Indiana for many years to come.
The policy outlined below establishes specific criteria students must meet to be considered a resident for tuition- and fee-paying purposes. These criteria may differ from the criteria set forth by the State of Indiana to establish residency within the state, the State of Indiana to receive state-based financial aid, and/or the federal government to receive federal-based financial aid.
Residency Classification
Dependent Student
A dependent student shall be classified as a resident for tuition- and fee-paying purposes if the student meets the following criteria:
- The student must be a citizen or eligible non-citizen
- The permanent residence of the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) was established in the State of Indiana for a predominant purpose other than to establish residency in the State of Indiana for in-state tuition and fees at least 12 consecutive months preceding the first day of the full semester in which the student attends classes at IU
- Note: The 12-month rule may be waived if the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) moved to the State of Indiana less than 12 months preceding the first day of the full semester in which the student attends classes at IU and established residence for a predominant purpose other than to establish residency in the State of Indiana for in-state tuition and fees
Independent Student
An independent student shall be classified as a resident for tuition- and fee-paying purposes if the student meets the following criteria:
- The student must be a citizen or eligible non-citizen
- The student’s permanent residence was established in the State of Indiana for a predominant purpose other than to establish residency in the State of Indiana for in-state tuition and fees at least 12 consecutive months preceding the first day of the full semester in which the student attends classes at IU
- Note: The 12-month rule may be waived if the student moved to the State of Indiana less than 12 months precedingthe first day of the full semester in which the student attends classes at IU and established residence for a predominant purpose other than to establish residency in the State of Indiana for in-state tuition and fees
Reciprocal County
A student from a reciprocal county will be classified as a non-resident but will be eligible to pay in-state tuition and fees if the student meets the following criteria:
- The student must be a citizen or eligible non-citizen
- The student’s permanent residence was established in a reciprocal county
- The permanent residence of a dependent student will be that of the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) while the permanent residence of an independent student would be that of the student
Indiana Partner
A student who is an eligible Indiana Partner will be classified as a non-resident but will receive a discounted tuition rate if the student meets the following criteria:
- The student must be a citizen or eligible non-citizen
- The student’s permanent residence was established in an eligible Indiana Partner state or territory
- The permanent residence of a dependent student will be that of the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) while the permanent residence of an independent student would be that of the student
Veterans, Military Members, and GI Bill® Recipients
The guidelines to determine residency status for tuition- and fee-paying purposes are outlined in VPSO-08 for veterans, military members, and GI Bill® recipients.
Residency Classification Process
A change in residency status can only be assessed for the current or a future term. The process by which a student’s residency status is determined is as follows:
- Admission Application: The details provided by the student on the admission application are used to derive a student’s residency status.
- Campus Registrar: A student who is classified as a non-resident based on the information entered on the admission application can be considered for resident status by submitting the Application for Resident Classification to the student’s campus Registrar. This form is standardized across all IU campuses and requires at least 2 forms of documentation as well as a written statement and attestation. Additional documentation may be requested upon submission of the application. Once received, the campus Registrar is empowered to classify the student as a resident if the student’s situation presents unusual circumstances, so long as the Registrar’s decision is still within the general scope of this policy, and so long as the student meets the specified criteria to be considered a citizen or eligible non-citizen. The campus Registrar will notify the student via email with a residency determination.
- Committee Appeal: A student who remains classified as a non-resident after submitting the Application for Resident Classification to the campus Registrar can appeal the campus’ decision to the Standing Committee on Residence (SCOR) by submitting the Residency Appeal Form. This form provides the student with an opportunity to submit additional documentation that supports the student’s residency claim, including a written statement and an attestation, which will be reviewed by SCOR along with all previously submitted information. Additional documentation may be requested upon submission of the appeal. Once the appeal is submitted, the student will be slated for a personal hearing with the SCOR members via Zoom, and the student will be permitted to be joined by parents, counsel, or other representatives of their choosing so long as the student has provided any additional attendees with 3rd Party Access to the student’s account. The SCOR is empowered to classify the student as a resident if the student’s situation presents unusual circumstances, so long as the SCOR’s decision is still within the general scope of this policy, and so long as the student meets the specified criteria to be considered a citizen or eligible non-citizen. The student will receive a decision from SCOR via email within 5 business days from the student’s hearing.
The SCOR will be made up of at least 3 members of University Administration to include representatives from the Office of the Vice President for Strategic Operations, the Office of the Vice President for Student Success, and other University Administration units. Each member should be at the equivalent of the Associate Director level or above. The SCOR members will meet at least weekly to hear appeals, and they will designate a Chair for each set of hearings. Administrative support from University Enrollment Services will assist the Chair with arranging hearings, consolidating documentation, and communicating with students. Membership will be determined by the Associate Vice President for University Enrollment Services.
It is the student’s responsibility to provide clear and accurate documentation at the time of the request to support any residency petition.
Continued Eligibility
Once classified as a resident, a student will maintain resident status as long as the student continues to lawfully reside in the United States and to remain continuously enrolled at IU until the student earns a degree. If the student does not remain continuously enrolled and, as a result is required to re-apply to IU, the student’s residency status will be re-evaluated based on the information entered in their new application. A student’s residency status will also be re-evaluated if the student earns a degree and applies to another program at IU. A student who is classified as a non-resident will remain classified as non-resident for the extent of the student’s degree program unless the student moves to the State of Indiana for a predominant purpose and meets all other eligibility criteria to be considered for resident status. To be considered, the student would need to submit the Application for Resident Classification to the student’s campus Registrar.
Accuracy of Information and Student Conduct
A student who knowingly provides false, incomplete, or misleading information to be classified as a resident shall be subject to IU disciplinary action up to and including expulsion, as well as such other penalties provided for by law, and shall be subject to repaying any tuition and fees that would otherwise been assessed in the current and prior semesters. The university reserves the right to reclassify the residency status for any student upon receipt of evidence that the student is not eligible for resident status.
Terms defined in this section are italicized throughout this policy.
A legal citizen is a person born or naturalized in the United States, and who is subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
Dependent Student
A student who is under the age of 24 on the first day of the full semester in which the student attends classes at IU and who is enrolled in an undergraduate program is considered a dependent student. In general, this is a student who is financially reliant on a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and who can be claimed as a dependent by a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) on federal taxes. The residency determination for a dependent student is based on the permanent residence of the parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
Eligible Non-Citizen
A person who is granted lawful permanent resident status or an eligible immigration status by the Office of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that would permit the person to establish a permanent residence within the United States. One of the following visas would qualify a person to be classified as an eligible non-citizen: A-1, A-2, A-3, E-1, E-2, E-3, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, H-1B, H-4, I, L-1, L-2, O-1, O-3, V-1, V-2, and V-3. This definition does not affect other definitions or requirements that may be contained in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) or other regulations and laws. Continued eligibility to remain classified as an eligible non-citizen depends upon the continued maintenance of such lawful presence.
Indiana Partner
A non-resident student who attends any IU campus except Bloomington and who has a permanent residence in a qualifying state may be eligible for a discounted tuition rate through the Indiana Partners program. It is important to note this discount only applies to specific academic programs on each of these campuses and a student may be required to meet specific admission criteria.
Independent Student
A student who is or will be 24 years old on the first day of the full semester in which the student attends classes at IU, or a student who is enrolled in a graduate or graduate professional program, regardless of age, is considered an independent student. A student may also be classified as an independent student if the student is married, claims a dependent(s) on federal taxes, is an orphan, is a ward of the court, is legally emancipated, is an unaccompanied youth, or was raised in foster care. In general, this is a student who cannot be claimed as a dependent by a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) on federal taxes. The residency determination for an independent student is based on the permanent residence of the independent student.
A student who does not meet the residency criteria and thus will be charged non-resident tuition and fees.
Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s)
A person or persons (e.g., parents) who a dependent student lives with the majority of the time. This person may be a legal guardian or any individual who stands in loco parentis of the dependent student (e.g., aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc.).
Permanent Residence
The place where an individual establishes a permanent home with the intention to remain in such place for an indefinite period. It is the location the individual lives the majority of the time and is the location the individual remains when not called elsewhere for labor, studies, or other special or temporary purposes. An individual has but one permanent residence at any time, and a permanent residence cannot be lost until another is gained.
A student who is experiencing homelessness with no fixed residence may still establish a permanent residence within a state by providing appropriate documentation regarding their living arrangements, even if such arrangements may be varied.
Predominant Purpose
The reason a student established a permanent residence within the State of Indiana was for a primary purpose other than to establish residency in the State of Indiana for the purpose of attending a higher education institution and paying in-state tuition and fees.
Being a resident in the State of Indiana precedes enrollment in a higher education institution out-of-state. For example, A dependent student or independent student who established a permanent residence in the State of Indiana and who chooses to attend a higher education institution outside the State of Indiana shall be considered a resident if the student unenrolls or graduates from that institution, returns to Indiana, and enrolls at IU so long as the student meets the residency criteria listed below. Likewise, a dependent student whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) moved to Indiana for a predominant purpose other than to obtain in-state tuition and fee rates while the student was enrolled in a higher education institution outside the State of Indiana shall be considered a resident if the student unenrolls or graduates from that institution, returns to Indiana, and enrolls at IU so long as the student meets the residency criteria listed below, even if the student transitions to independent student status.
Reciprocal County
Several IU campuses have agreements with counties in Ohio (OH) and/or Kentucky (KY) to charge residents of those counties in-state tuition and fee rates. It is important to note that applicable counties vary by participating IU campuses. Thus, a student who is granted reciprocal county status at one IU campus may not be granted the same reciprocal county status at another campus.
A student who meets the residency criteria and will be charged in-state tuition and fees.
Effective July 1, 2011, the Rules Determining Resident and Nonresident Student Status for Indiana University Fee Purposes have been provisionally revised to comply with recent state legislation and are in effect as stated below. A full review of the Rules and formal approval will take place in coming months.
On April 21, 2023, this policy was renumbered from USSS-07 to VPSS-07.
This policy and its corresponding processes were revised on December 12, 2024. This policy was also renumbered from VPSS-07 to VPSO-07.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official government web site at