Indiana University Campus Art Collection Policies: Acquisition by Gift, Acquisition by Purchase or Loan and Deaccession

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 09-21-2002
See current policy
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 01-28-2011
- Responsible University Office:
- Office of Insurance, Loss Control and Claims
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Policy Contact:
Kutina England
Director, INLOCC
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
All university units shall follow the guidelines set forth herein concerning the acquisition and deaccession of art and the borrowing and loaning of art.
Reason for Policy
Art is a valuable resource of the university, financially, culturally and for teaching purposes. It is prudent and necessary to establish a policy and guidelines concerning the acquisition and deaccession of art and the borrowing and loaning of art.
The activities governing the acquisition, housing, maintenance, care and deaccession of this collection will strive to follow guidelines set down for museum collections whenever possible. However, as this collection has not been assembled for the same purpose as that of a museum, the university retains the right to address issues on an individual basis according to its own priorities, rather than follow AAM regulations.
I. Acquisition by Gift
Indiana University reviews all proffered gifts to the Campus Art Collection through an established IU Campus Art Collection Policy Committee (CACPC). The CACPC may delegate this oversight to the Campus Art Curator for gifts valued at $5,000 or less.
The IU Campus Art Collection Policy Committee reviews gifts observing the following rules:
- The donor provides reasonable assurance that the object has not been exported in violation of another country's laws.
- The donor has the legal right (ownership) to dispose of the proffered gift.
- All available provenance of an object will be provided to the committee at the time of its consideration and will thereafter be documented as a part of the object's history.
- The committee works at all times with the Curator of Campus Art to assure that proper documentation, including deed of gift, is recorded and filed for each donation.
- When considering a gift, the committee is guided by reasonable principles of utility to the university, historical significance of the object and the impact on the university for care and maintenance of the gift.
- If a gift is made to a specific campus or department the Curator of Campus Art will assist the receiving unit in determining the necessary steps for proper handling, documentation, exhibition, storage and security.
- Accepted gifts that are to the general university collection will be transferred and maintained by the Curator of Campus Art and made available to the appropriate housing any unit, at which time a designated person will work with the curator to assure proper handling, documentation, exhibition, storage and security.
- All accepted gifts with a value of $5,000 or greater must have an accompanying independent appraisal, provided by the donor. if the donor is using the gift-in-kind policy of the Indiana University Foundation.
- All gifts with an appraised value of $5,000 or more will be recorded as a capital asset of Indiana University.
- All accepted gifts become the property of Indiana University.
- All gifts should be made through the Indiana University Foundation and recorded in an Indiana University account. The Indiana University Foundation will record the gift on the donor record and issue a receipt for tax purposes after it has been accepted by the University.
- Each donor should be encouraged to provide funding for the ongoing maintenance costs of their gift.
- Each donor should be encouraged to make their gift without restrictions or stipulations.
II. Acquisition by Purchase
Indiana University campuses, schools, departments may have funds set aside for the acquisition of art works for their buildings, grounds or units. The following guidelines govern these purchases:
- The Curator of Campus Art must be informed of such acquisitions.
- Indiana University will not assume risk for these objects unless they are part of the university's inventory as maintained by the Campus Art Curator.
- Reasonable steps must be taken to acquire works that are being legally sold.
- All acquisitions must be displayed with reasonable security and in a manner that safeguards the life of the piece according to standards established by the Campus Art Curator. The Campus Art Curator will review display plans for campus art to ensure these standards are met.
- Before purchasing artwork departments should review the existing collection of campus art in storage to determine if artwork already owned by the university can meet their needs.
- Departments purchasing artwork must also have funds available for the ongoing maintenance of the works. The Campus Art Curator can help establish budgets and projections for ongoing care.
- Purchases of artwork by departments that exceed $5,000 must be reviewed and approved by the CACPC.
- It is the responsibility of the account manager for the funds to be expended for artwork to ensure that the expenditure meets the guideline of supporting the academic mission of the university.
- All purchases become the property of Indiana University.
III. Loans
- Loans from the university to other entities
- Loan requests from borrowing institutions for works in the Indiana University Campus Art Collection will be handled through the office of the Curator of Campus Art.
- Approval or denial of such loans will be made in consultation with the curator and the building superintendent or responsible party that houses the work of art.
- A condition report will be made prior to and after each loan.
- A loan contract will be drawn up to follow the loan's progress. (museum model available).
- The Borrower shall assume all insurance, conservation, repair and shipping costs.
- Loans to the university
- All loans to the university must be reviewed by the CACPC.
- The Curator of Campus Art must be informed of such loans.
- Indiana University will not assume risk for these objects unless they are part of the university's inventory as maintained by the Campus Art Curator
- All loans must be displayed with reasonable security and in a manner that safeguards the life of the piece according to standards established by the Campus Art Curator. The Campus Art Curator will review display plans for campus art to ensure these standards are met.
- A condition report will be made prior to and at the end of each loan.
- A loan contract will be drawn up to follow the loan's progress. (museum model available)
- The Curator of Campus Art must be notified if the piece is moved and before the piece is returned to the owner.
IV. Deaccession
- Art that is no longer wanted by a campus unit (excepting art on loan from the Campus Art Collection) may be transferred to the Campus Art Collection by contacting the Campus Art Curator.
- All deaccessions must be reviewed and approved by the IU Campus Art Collection Policy Committee.
- All deaccessions must be made in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by state owned property in consultation with the Office of Procurement Services.
- All deaccessions of gifts must be made in accordance of the donors' wishes at the time of gift.
- Deaccessions may, with the approval of the committee, involve trades, upgrades or exchanges.
- All funds realized by resale must go toward the conservation and maintenance and security of the Indiana University Campus Art Collection. The use of these funds will be agreed upon prior to sale by the selling unit and the Curator of Campus Art.
- Any funds not utilized in this manner by the responsible party housing the sold artwork must be returned to a general account for conservation, maintenance and security for the entire Indiana University Campus Art Collection. If the art in question was gifted for the benefit of a specific campus unit, or if a campus unit purchased the art with funds budgeted specifically for their use, the art being sold must be offered within the university community before deaccession. Transfer of funds between campus units must meet the guideline of supporting the academic mission of the university. If, after being offered inter/intra-campus for 90 days, and upon approval by the appropriate CACPC for deaccession, no inter/intra-campus offers have been accepted, the art may be offered for sale through the Office of Procurement Services.
When art from the Campus Art Collection (which includes all art described in this policy section) is sold, 20% of the proceeds shall go to the general Curator's fund for the ongoing maintenance of campus art. The balance may be utilized by the unit selling the art, but only in accordance with AAM guidelines (see to wit: proceeds can only be used for the purchase, upgrade, or care and conservation of art for Indiana University. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the campus Chancellor and the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer.
Membership of the Indiana University Campus Art Collection Policy Committee
- IU Art Museum [Heidi Gealt/Linda Baden/Margaret Contompasis]
- IU Foundation [John Wilhite]
- IU Alumni Association [J. T. Forbes / Debbie Lemon]
- CHAIR: Curator of Campus Art (Office of Insurance, Loss Control and Claims) [Sherry Rouse]
- Director of Insurance, Loss Control and Claims [Larry Stephens]
- Indiana Memorial Union [Thom Simmons]
- University Architect's Office [Bob Richardson]
- IUB, IUPUI, IUE, IUN, IUSE, IUSB, IUPU-C, IUFW, IUK designees by Chancellors' offices
- Office of Procurement Services [Jill Schunk]
- Capital Planning and Facilities [Hank Hewetson]
- Legal [Jackie Simmons]
- Security [ ]
Campus Art Collections
Collections of works of art including two-dimensional, three-dimensional, decorative arts and miscellaneous objects of value (varia) housed outside of Indiana University accredited museums, therefore not governed by the professional rules and regulations of an accredited museum as outlined by the American Association of Museums (AAM).
The Indiana University Campus Art Collection consists of those works that are located in buildings or on campus grounds across the eight-campus system and off-campus sites, given or acquired to enhance the environment of Indiana University. This collection is the property of Indiana University.
ART includes but is not limited to paintings, watercolors, sketches, line drawings, photographs, sculpture, antiques, and rugs.
Violations of this policy shall be reported to the Provost or Chancellor of the campus for sanctions at their discretion.
Additional Contacts
Subject | Contact | Phone | |
Curator of Campus Art | Sherry Rouse | 812-855-1024 | |
Originally developed in 2002 at the direction of Vice President J. Terry Clapacs, with assistance from Adelheid Gealt, Director of the IU Art Museum. Adapted to new policy format, January 2011.
Please note: This is an archived version of the policy. View the current version.