Position Placement Within the Job Framework (Previously Position Classification/Reclassification)

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 05-01-1970
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 11-15-2023
- Responsible University Office:
- Human Resources
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
- Policy Contact:
- IU Human Resources
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
Indiana University is committed to equal pay regardless of their protected characteristics listed in UA-01, Non-Discrimination / Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action.
- Positions are classified into the most appropriate role descriptor and are identified with that role’s distinguishable characteristics, including the job evaluation results and assignment to a career level.
- The university retains the right to eliminate, change, and establish classification levels or salary ranges. In the event a new position is established, or an existing position is changed, the campus human resources office shall classify the position within the appropriate wage/salary plan. See HR-03-30, Pay and Salary Setting.
Reason for Policy
This policy provides university managers and supervisors with an overview of the procedures and guidelines, position classification and placement of staff positions within the job framework.
Position Classification
- Positions are classified by IU Human Resources (IU HR) Compensation. Each position number is classified to the appropriate role descriptor which captures the job function, job family, career level, qualifications, and fundamental responsibilities inherent to the role. Refer to HR-03-40, Role Descriptors (Formerly: Position Descriptions) for details.
- The Essential and Marginal Job Functions Worksheet should be completed for each individual and maintained at the department level.
- After the necessary approvals are obtained to establish the position (Responsibility Center (RC) or department, as appropriate), consult with the campus human resources office for review:
- Approved positions and other appropriate documents will serve as the basis for the classification of all positions into jobs.
- As part of the classification process, a representative of the campus human resources office may review the proposed role descriptor and classification and any documentation provided with department management. The campus human resources office may also request additional information, including a consultation with the incumbent.
- IU HR will review the position information, determine the appropriate job function, job family, career level and role descriptor.
- When the review is complete, IU HR will notify the department of the results of the position classification.
- The department is to notify the incumbent, if any, of the review results.
- See section Reconsideration of a Position Placement Decision below for concerns over classification decisions.
Progression Within Position
- To accommodate a dynamic work environment, including new priorities and initiatives, changes in technology and regulations, fiscal constraints, and career growth, etc., it is expected that the responsibilities assigned to various positions may change. When changes to a position’s responsibilities are significant, a department head, supervisor, and/or an incumbent may request a review of the applicable position.
- The supervisor and/or the incumbent will work with the department’s human resources representative to identify the appropriate role descriptor (same or different) that captures the new responsibilities.
- The supervisor and/or the incumbent shall act promptly in preparing for the review of the position’s classification.
- After the RC or department approves the position review request, the request along with supporting documentation, such as the current organizational chart for the unit, information about how the employee was selected to progress, confirmation that the employee has met qualifications, etc., will be sent to IU HR Compensation for review.
- Refer to the section Position Classification 2. above for the process of IU Human Resources’ determination.
- Refer to the section Position Classification 3. and 4. above for the notification process.
- If a Non-Exempt CWA position’s classification is progressing to a different wage/salary plan (see Reclassification to a Different Functional Group of a Union Covered Position below), IU HR will notify the CWA president or designee when it is determined that a Non-Exempt CWA covered position will be repositioned within the framework. Once notified, the CWA president or designee will have up to 1 week to provide information regarding the proposed placement. IU HR will consider the provided information and input before making a final determination.
Reconsideration of a Position Placement Decision
- Incumbents, supervisors, deans, or administrative officers may request reconsideration of a position placement decision through IU HR.
- Requests must be made within 30 calendar days of the department receiving results of the position placement.
- Discussions regarding position placement within the framework start at the department level in consultation with the incumbent, supervisor/leader, dean or administrative officer, and/or departmental HR representative(s).
- In the event that an incumbent reaches out to IU HR directly regarding their position, IU HR will facilitate a discussion with the department’s Human Resources representative for initial review.
- It is management’s and departmental HR’s responsibility to ensure that the appropriate role descriptor aligns with the responsibilities for an employee in a given position. IU HR is available for consultation with the department as needed.
- Following the departmental review of the position’s placement in the job framework, the departmental HR representative should then communicate the request to IU HR Compensation for final review. The result will be communicated by IU HR Compensation to the HR representative for the unit requesting the appeal.
- IU HR makes wage/salary plan (e.g., PAA, PAC, SM, PAE, PAL, etc.) determinations. Requests for reconsideration may only address issues of placement within the job framework.
- Reconsideration results are final. Departments cannot request an additional review for 1 year unless the duties and responsibilities of the position change significantly.
- Disagreements over classification and career level assignments are not subject to the grievance procedure.
Reclassification to a Different Functional Group of a Union Covered Position
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Police covered positions:
- If IU HR determines that the duties of a position support changing its classification to a different wage/salary plan, it will provide the union local president or designee 1 week to provide input and consider any information that the union submits before making its decision.
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Service covered positions:
- At Bloomington, if the campus human resources office determines that the duties of a position support changing its classification to a different wage/salary plan, it will provide the union local president or designee 1 week to provide input and consider any information that the union submits before making its decision.
- At IUI and South Bend, the union local president is notified of a service job classification change and the reasons for the change.
- For Non-Exempt CWA covered positions:
- If IU HR determines that the duties of a position support changing its classification to a different wage/salary plan (e.g., Non-Exempt Non-Union, Non-Exempt AFSCME Police or Service, or Exempt), the CWA president or designee will be notified. Once notified, the CWA president or designee will have up to 1 week to provide information regarding the proposed classification change. IU HR will consider the provided information and input before making a final determination.
Job or Role: A collection of positions whose duties and responsibilities are the same kind of work, at a similar skill and responsibility level. The duties and responsibilities are alike enough that the positions have the same descriptive title and require substantially the same minimum qualifications. (In rare instances, a position with very unique duties and responsibilities may exist and may be the only position assigned to a role descriptor.) Each role has a defined function, job family, and career level.
Position: A group of duties and responsibilities officially assigned to a specific employee.
Role Descriptor: A summary of the most important aspects of a job that includes a brief summary, fundamental responsibilities, and work dimension details that are typical for the career level. Role descriptors create the foundation for career development. Role descriptors are maintained by IU Human Resources.
Job Function: The largest category of classification that represents a group of related job families. Some examples of functions include: Information Technology, Finance, or Student Services.
Job Family: A sub-category of classification that represents a group of jobs performing similar types of work and requiring similar skills, knowledge, and/or expertise. Each job function has its own group of job families. Some examples of families within the Finance function include: Accounting & Tax, Payroll, or Financial Administration.
Career Level: Represents the position of a role within a career structure measured by typical work dimensions. Proficiency and complexity progress within each work dimension as levels increase.
Position Classification: the assignment of a position to an established role descriptor that closely matches the distinguishing characteristics of the work being performed.
Position Evaluation: the method used to determine the classification of a position.
Responsibility Center (RC): For the purpose of the salary administration policies, a Responsibility Center or distinguishable department within a large RC such as the IU School of Medicine or College of Arts and Sciences. A regional campus may consider the Chancellor the RC head.
Violations of university policies will be handled in accordance with applicable university policies and procedures; which may include disciplinary actions up to and including termination from the university.
July 2024
Updated references to the renamed IU Indianapolis campus.
November 2023
Minor update made to correct redundant language.
March 2021
Updates made due to Job Framework Redesign project.
January 2021
Updates made due to Job Framework Redesign project.
July 2018
Updates made to AFSCME Service procedures based on union discussions.
December 2016
Revised to incorporate provisions of the 2016-2019 Agreement between Indiana University and CWA Local 4730.
February 2016
Replaces the following policy provisions:
AFSCME Police | AFSCME Police | AFSCME Service | CWA | PA/SS |
Position Classification/ Reclassification | Recruitment-Selection | 1.2 - Position Classification | 9.3 - Position Classification | 2.2 - Position Classification/ Reclassification for Support Staff |