Reimbursement for Housing Allowances

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 08-01-1995
See current policy
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 08-01-1995
- Responsible University Office:
- University Budget Office
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Policy Contact:
- Samuel B. Adams
Associate Vice President – Budget & Planning
University Budget Office
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
The amount of the housing allowance is established annually by the President as part of the preparation of the Indiana University operating budget.
Housing allowance funds are provided to support activities in the chancellor's home for University entertaining, good will, community relations, and development.
Any additional support for such activities occurring in the chancellor's home (except for food, beverage, or catering expenses) will require advance written approval from the Office of the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.
Reason for Policy
Indiana University recognizes that the chancellors of the IU campuses, by the nature of their positions, will be required on occasion to use their personal residences for the purposes of conducting University-related activities. Therefore, a housing allowance is provided to each chancellor to provide for expenses incurred for this purpose.
Housing allowance allotments are budgeted within University Administration and appropriate transactions are initiated by the University Budget Office.
Distributions to the chancellors of the East, Kokomo, Northwest, South Bend, and Southeast campuses are initiated on a semi-annual basis. [Note: Since University-provided housing may be made available to the chancellors on the Bloomington, Indianapolis and Kokomo campuses, there will be no housing allowance provided to them if they are occupying the University owned housing.]