Undergraduate Intercampus Transfers

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 11-14-2000
See current policy
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 11-14-2000
- Responsible University Office:
- Office of the Executive VP for University Academic Affairs
- Responsible University Administrator:
- University Faculty Council
- Policy Contact:
- ufcoff@indiana.edu
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
The faculty of Indiana University supports the equivalent application of comparable courses toward degree requirements, regardless of the campus where the course was completed.
Administrative Principles
Each campus shall develop appropriate application procedures, forms, and deadlines for students wishing to transfer home campus within the IU system, and exchange such information.
Each campus shall designate an office to provide initial information to students considering transfers to other campuses, to ensure that prospective incoming Undergraduate Inter-Campus Transfers (ICTs) are provided with appropriate procedural and academic guidance and advising, including guidance on the appropriate use of computer-accessible advising records in exploring ICT options, and to coordinate receipt of and action on incoming ICT applications.
Decisions concerning ICT approval to any campus are determined by the appropriate office on the receiving campus, and governed by criteria approved by that campus.
Students will be expected to give notification of decisions to accept or decline ICT approval, according to deadlines set by the receiving campus. Offices on both the home and receiving campuses of an ICT student shall share information concerning ICT approval and student decisions to transfer campuses.
Wherever specified procedures fail clearly to apply to individual cases, decisions should be based on the best educational interests of the student; exceptions granted on the basis of individual cases shall not constitute precedents.
Course Equivalencies and Degree Requirements
Computerized records shall be maintained so as to allow students to use the university’s student records system to assess, at the time of ICT application, how inter-campus transfer will likely affect their progress towards a degree. Each campus shall develop procedures for course equivalency decisions that will ensure that prospective ICTs will be fully aware of how courses will apply towards degree progress at the time of transfer approval.
Courses at the 100 and 200 levels should apply to degree requirements on any campus equivalently, regardless of the campus of origin. Distribution requirements should be treated with flexibility as long as intended goals are met.
Courses with Identical Numbers
Courses offered on different campuses with identical numbers should be comparable enough in content and requirements to allow equivalent applicability towards degree requirements on any campus.In the event that faculty on a campus or campuses question the equivalency of a course at another campus, the course(s) in question will be sent through the Course Conflict Resolution process.
Beginning with the Fall 2001 term and forward, identically numbered courses at the 100 and 200 levels are treated as equivalently applicable towards degree requirements on any campus.
For identically numbered courses at the 300 and 400 level, units on all campuses shall review lists of all such courses to assess their equivalence, and to renumber as non-equivalent courses whose content significantly diverges on different campuses. The University Transfer Office, working with faculty governance, should coordinate this review. Judgments of specific course equivalencies should be determined by faculty in appropriate units on each campus, and differences of views among campuses should be adjudicated through the Course Conflict Resolution process.
For courses that are not identically numbered, Recorders’ Offices for each campus, school, or division shall maintain lists of equivalencies for courses on all IU campuses. All equivalency decisions should be made by the most appropriate school, division, department, or program on a campus, and should apply for all programs on that campus. Courses that fulfill similar educational goals in terms of content and proficiency training should fulfill degree program requirements regardless of the campus on which they are offered. When substantive curricular changes occur in courses that may affect equivalence decisions, corresponding programs on other IU campuses should be notified. Equivalency designations will apply between courses as offered on specific campuses.
Prospective ICTs may request reviews of the equivalency indications for specific courses from the campus to which they wish to transfer. The review should be made by the appropriate degree-granting unit, and a substantive explanation of any negative decision should be recorded. Positive equivalency decisions should be reported to unit Recorders and coded. Campuses should designate an appropriate faculty committee to which negative decisions may be appealed. Equivalency reviews and appeals should be conducted in a timely fashion. A sustained review judgment will not be subject to further appeal for a period of five years. If the decision involves changing the articulation rule for the course and the campus, the Recorder will inform the University Transfer Office or their own Admissions Office, depending on which office maintains the rules for that campus.
An ICT student is responsible for meeting all specific requirements for the major field as defined by the degree-granting unit on the receiving campus; departmental and school residency requirements may necessitate the completion of additional hours beyond the normal minimal requirement. Exceptions granted to students prior to transfer should, whenever possible, be honored by the degree-granting school.
Reason for Policy
To facilitate student inter-campus transfer, the faculty of Indiana University support the equivalent application of comparable courses toward degree requirements, regardless of the campus where the course was completed.
Procedures to monitor ongoing comparabilityIf data concerning student performance in sequential courses indicate a divergence in ICT and non-ICT student performance, such that ICT students who apply specific courses equivalently appear to be placed at a disadvantage, the units involved shall report this divergence to the University Transfer Office for possible action through the Course Conflict Resolution process. In the event that the UTO through its own monitoring of equivalencies finds such a divergence, the University Transfer Office may report this to the affected campuses.
Please note: This is an archived version of the policy. View the current version.