Faculty and Librarian Salary

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 04-25-1989
See current policy
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 04-25-1989
- Responsible University Office:
- University Faculty Council
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Board of Trustees, Indiana University
- Policy Contact:
- Campus Academic Affairs Office
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
Salary policies for all faculty/librarians including part-time administrators should be determined by responsible administrators with the participation of appropriate elected faculty/librarian bodies or committees appointed by those elected faculty/librarian bodies.
Elected faculty/librarian bodies and administrators may exercise flexibility in responding to local circumstances. At all levels, allocations of resources to salaries should balance two principles:
- Rewarding comparable performance, distinction, and experience with comparable salary and
- Providing the support necessary to achieve the missions of the university.
Factors affecting the allocation of resources to salaries are:
- Merit and
- Adjustments for salary minima (where they exist), remedial equity, inflation, recruitment, and retention. Merit has primacy among these.
Salary resources may be used to remedy inequities resulting from:
- Changing market conditions
- Inappropriate merit judgments
- Inadequate funding and
- Discrimination.
Salary decisions should avoid inappropriate widening of the disparities between low and high salaries, especially those resulting from the use of percentage increments. Salary increments may be made in either percentages or fixed-dollar amounts.
Salary minima (where they exist) should increase in step with the percentage increases in salary resources distributed by the campus as a whole.
Salary policies at every level should be written and available for inspection and other appropriate uses. A unit’s responsible administrator shall report annually on salary policy implementation to the faculty/librarians in the unit.
A part-time administrator’s performance as a faculty member/librarian shall be judged by the review process applicable to faculty/librarians, and performance as an administrator shall be judged by the review process applicable to administrators. If the part-time administrator receives an administrative salary supplement, the supplement leaves the salary base when the administrator resumes full-time faculty/librarian status.
(University Faculty Council, April 25, 1989)
Those appointed for an academic year are paid on the basis of ten equal payroll checks (five for each semester). It is sometimes necessary to prorate pay because of resignation, termination, illness, or death. The calculation will be based on the number of calendar days falling within a semester. The relevant item is the ratio of calendar days prior to the cessation of work to the total in the semester.
(Administrative Practice)
Dates of Academic Appointments
This policy is followed for determination of the precise span of time during which the mutual obligations of an employer/employee relationship exist for the purpose of proration of pay, when such proration is necessary, and for fringe benefit entitlements.
Appointments for the academic year and for the first semester begin seven days prior to the first day of classes on each campus. Appointments for the second semester begin seven days before the first day of classes at the campus but never earlier than January l. Appointments for the first semester terminate on December 31. Appointments for the academic year terminate on the day of commencement for the campus. Appointments for various summer sessions begin on the first day of classes and terminate on the last day on which final grades are due on each campus.
(Administrative Practice)
Reason for Policy
In recognition of differing salary conditions in various units of the University and differing conditions within units from year to year, this salary policy contains principles to guide decision-making in any unit of the university which allocates resources to faculty/librarian salaries. These principles are intended to foster flexibility, openness, fairness, and faculty/librarian participation in the formulation and monitoring of unit salary policies. These principles assume that those closest to the situation usually can make the most informed and fair salary decisions through the process of peer interview. Each campus may adopt its own salary policy in accordance with these principles, and each unit may adopt written guidelines for implementing these principles. These policies and guidelines shall be subject to periodic review.
Please note: This is an archived version of the policy. View the current version.