Bylaws of the University Faculty Council of Indiana University

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 04-16-1974
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 12-12-2024
- Responsible University Office:
- University Faculty Council
- Responsible University Administrator:
University Faculty Council
- Policy Contact:
Campus Chief Academic Affairs Official
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
1. Rules of Order. The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the meetings of the Council except insofar as the bylaws make express provision to the contrary.
2. Meetings. Meetings of the Council shall begin at 1:30 P.M. and adjourn at 4:30 P.M. unless a later adjournment is agreed to unanimously. The Executive Committee may also fix a different time for a regular meeting or call a special meeting--providing due notice to the faculty.
3. Quorum. The presence of a majority of voting members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting may continue under the terms of subsections 2 and 3 of Bylaw 11.C.
4. Elected UFC Members.The University Faculty Council Office shall determine for each IU administered campus the number of elected representatives to which it is entitled from the lists submitted by campus officers, as required in Section 1.3 of the Constitution of the Indiana University Faculty. The Faculty Council Office shall forward this determination to the faculty head of each such campus legislative body by December 31. The faculty head on each campus shall certify to the University Faculty Council Office no later than August 1st the names of the elected and ex-officio faculty members who will represent the campus on the University Faculty Council for the ensuing year. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty head of each campus legislative body to select campus representatives sufficiently early in the year that the deadline can be met.
5. Ex Officio UFC Members. Pursuant to Sections 4.1.C.1 and 4.1.C.2 of the Constitution of the Indiana Faculty, The President of the University and “the faculty chairs of the Agenda or Executive Committee of the campus-wide institution of faculty governance on every campus” are voting ex-officio members of the UFC. The faculty head on each campus shall certify to the Co-Chairs of the University Faculty Council no later than April 15th the names of heads of faculty governance on their campus who shall so serve on the UFC in the coming year. Pursuant to Section 4.1.E of the Constitution of the Indiana University Faculty, the Executive Vice Presidents of the university are ex-officio, non-voting members of the University Faculty Council.
6. Attendance at Meetings / Alternates. Elected and voting ex-officio Council members and student representatives may appoint alternates to serve in their place at any meeting. Any member of the Council who must be absent for a semester or longer or becomes unable to perform the duties of UFC members shall be replaced during that period in accordance with procedures specified by the unit of the University from which the absent member came.
7. Terms of Office: The term of office of newly elected members of the University Faculty Council shall begin July 1st and end July 30th of the following year.
8. Officers of the UFC: The three Co-Chairs of the UFC shall be selected, by July 1st of each year, as follows:
A. The Presidents of the Bloomington Faculty and the IUI Faculty Council serve as the Co-Chairs of the UFC from IU Bloomington and IUI.
B. The Regional Campus Co-Chair shall be chosen by the members of the Regional Faculty Caucus. The RFC Co-Chair must be the faculty head of a regional campus legislative body. In case of a vacancy, the RFC shall immediately elect a new Co-Chair to complete the term.
C. The BFC, IFC and RFC shall inform the University Faculty Council of the results of their elections not later than July 1st of each year.
9. Executive Committee of the UFC: The executive committee shall comprise:
A. The three Co-Chairs of the UFC, who shall serve as co-chairs of the Executive Committee.
B. The heads of the faculty governance legislative bodies at all campuses from which a Co-Chair does not come.
C.Two additional members elected by the Bloomington Faculty Council, two additional members elected by the IUI Faculty Council, and one additional member elected by the Regional Faculty Caucus, all of whom must be members of the UFC.
10. Duties and functions of the Co-Chairs: The duties and functions of the Co-Chairs, with support from the Faculty Council Office where appropriate, shall be as follows:
A. To serve as Co-Chairs of the Executive Committee.
B. To serve as Co-Chairs of the Indiana University Faculty (Section 3.1, Constitution of the Indiana University Faculty).
C. To call meetings of the faculty (Section 3.3, Constitution of the Indiana University Faculty).
D. To represent the Indiana University faculty in meetings with the Trustees, the President, other officers of Indiana University, and their administrative committees, including any academic and administrative cabinets or subgroupings.
E. To convene, together with the appointing officer (normally the President), review committees for Indiana University administrators.
F. To appoint a member of the Council as Secretary who shall prepare minutes of each meeting of the Council and a summary of the activities of the Council each year and distribute it to the general faculty.
10.1. Duties and functions of the Faculty Council Office. The Faculty Council Office and its Director shall:
A.Serve as the administrative office of the University Faculty Council.
B. Arrange for comprehensive transcripts and an audio or video (with audio) recording of each UFC meeting.
C. Report in the transcripts the names of those present at a Council meeting. In addition to absences, names of alternates present shall be reported.
D. Make available in a timely fashion to all members of the university community, all records of the University Faculty Council retained by the Faculty Council Office pursuant to policy ACA-73, University Faculty Council Records.
11. Duties and functions of the UFC Executive Committee: The duties and functions of the Executive Committee, with support from the Faculty Council Office where appropriate, shall be as follows:
A. The Executive Committee shall determine the Council's agenda and communicate the agenda to all Council members not less than two weeks prior to a Council meeting. All communications--including those from individual faculty members-- requesting Council action, study, or advice shall be placed on the agenda or referred to an appropriate body or committee for consideration. In the latter case, the Executive Committee shall report its action to the Council which may--with the concurrence of a simple majority vote--request the Executive Committee to place a referred item on the agenda.
B. The Executive Committee shall prepare the final draft of any new legislation approved by the Council.
C. The Executive Committee may take any action that falls within the authority of the UFC on behalf of the full Council, and the action shall have the same authority as an action approved by the UFC itself; provided that:
1. Notice of the action that the Executive Committee proposes to take on behalf of the Council shall have been given to Council members at least seven calendar days before the Executive Committee acts;
2. There is consent of a super-majority (2/3) of the Executive Committee and agreement of the President to the proposed action;
3. The Executive Committee action is communicated to the Council and no more than four members of the Council notify the Co-Chairs of their objection to the action within seven calendar days of such notice being sent and;
4. The action is not subject to section 2.4.C.4 of the Constitution and does not amend the Faculty Constitution or the Bylaws of the UFC.
D. Emergency items should be referred to the Executive Committee before being given precedence on the agenda.
E. The Executive Committee at any time may request the Council to determine the implementation and the effect of any past legislation or action or to reconsider any past legislation.
F. Any faculty member on request prior to a meeting shall be invited by the Executive Committee to participate without vote in the meeting, subject-- however--to the exercise by the Executive Committee of its responsibility for taking varied points of view into account and for the efficient management of the Council's time. On its own initiative, the Executive Committee may invite any non-member to participate in the discussion of matters of particular interest. Faculty members, students, members of the university staff, and members of the press are welcome to attend meetings of the Council--subject to the adequacy of available space. The Executive Committee may invite the general faculty to participate in special meetings of the Council to be governed by ad hoc rules adopted by the Executive Committee.
G. The Executive Committee shall serve as the University Faculty Council’s Nomination Committee.
H. At the request of the President or by action of the Executive Committee on its own motion, the Council may meet in Executive Session. Only voting members of the Council, the Director of the Faculty Council Office, and others agreed to by vote of the Council may be present.
12. Committees:The UFC shall have the following committees:
A. Honorary Degrees Committee:
The Honorary Degrees Committee and the standards and procedures for awarding honorary degrees are governed by Indiana University Honorary Degree Policy adopted by the University Faculty Council on November 10, 1992 (with duly adopted amendments, if any).
B. UFC-Budgetary Advisory Committee:
This shall be a standing committee for the purpose of consulting with University administration about financial issues, including but not limited to university tax (or other system-wide fees and charges), the university-wide budget, allocation of resources to campuses, and university strategic planning. Ex officio member shall be the IU Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration. The executive committees of Faculty Councils on IU campuses shall nominate faculty members of this committee to number 11: 3 members from IU Bloomington, 3 members from IUI of which one shall be from the School of Medicine, and 1 member each from IU East, IU Kokomo, IU Northwest, IU South Bend, and IU Southeast. IU Columbus and IU Fort Wayne will be represented via the IUI members. Members must have experience in school or campus budgetary affairs governance. Terms will be for 2 years. The UFC BAC shall elect its own chair.
C. Faculty Affairs Committee
This shall be a standing committee concerned with matters pertaining to the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of academic appointees, including but not limited to, policies and procedures related to issues of academic freedom, appointments, tenure and promotion, compensation, and working conditions. It shall consult with and be consulted by university and campus administrators about issues affecting the faculty; and bring pertinent matters to the UFC for discussion and vote. The executive committees of the campus faculty governing organizations shall appoint nine members to this committee, two members from IU Bloomington, two members from IUI, and one member each from IU East, IU Kokomo, IU Northwest, IU South Bend, and IU Southeast. The committee shall select its own chair. Members should have experience on their campuses' faculty affairs committee. Terms will be for 2 years, staggered.
At least one member of the committee must be a non-tenure track appointee.
D. Technology Policy Committee
The Technology Policy Committee oversees matters pertaining to, or connected with, information technology issues for all of Indiana University. The UFC TPC will consult with the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology.
The executive committees of the campus faculty governing organizations shall appoint nine members to this committee, two members from IU Bloomington, two members from IUI, and one member each from IU East, IU Kokomo, IU Northwest, IU South Bend, and IU Southeast. The committee shall select its own chair. Members should have experience on their campuses' technology policy committee. OVPIT shall appoint at least one- and no more than two- ex officio member(s). Terms will be for 2 years, staggered.
At least one member of the committee must be a non-tenure track appointee.
E. Research Affairs Committee
The Research Affairs Committee (RAC) oversees matters pertaining to, or connected with, research policies and practices throughout the Indiana University system. The UFC-RAC will communicate with the IUI, IUB and regional campuses’ Research Affairs Committees and with the office of the Vice President for Research. The committee advises the Vice President for Research and the University Faculty Council on research matters, collaborates on university-wide plans for strengthening the research infrastructure, and, where appropriate, develops university-wide policies and procedures that aim to improve the research environment at Indiana University.
The executive committees of the campus faculty governing organizations shall appoint ten members to this committee, two members from IU Bloomington, two members from IUI, and one member each from IU School of Medicine, IU East, IU Kokomo, IU Northwest, IU South Bend, and IU Southeast. The UFC executive committee will select two co-chairs from the UFC-RAC, one nominee of each of the IUI and IU research affairs committees, whose terms shall be staggered.
Members should serve as liaisons to their campuses’ relevant faculty committees. Terms will be for 2 years, staggered.
F. Student Affairs Committee
The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) oversees matters pertaining to, or connected with, policies and practices related to students throughout Indiana University. The UFC-SAC will communicate with IUB, IUI, and regional campuses’ Student Affairs Committees and with the Office of the Vice President for Student Success. The committee should advise the Vice President for Student Success and the University Faculty Council on student matters, collaborate on university-wide plans for strengthening the students’ education and experience, and, where appropriate, develop university-wide policies and procedures that aim to improve student success at Indiana University.
The executive committees of the campus faculty governing organizations shall appoint ten members to this committee, two members from IU Bloomington, two members from IU Indianapolis, and one member each from IU School of Medicine, IU East, IU Kokomo, IU Northwest, IU South Bend, and IU Southeast. The UFC-SAC will be co-chaired by a nominee of the IUB, IUI, and regional campuses.
Members should serve as liaisons to their campuses’ relevant faculty committees. Terms will be for 2 years, staggered.
G. Academic Affairs Committee
The Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) oversees matters pertaining to, or connected with, policies and practices related to the academic enterprise throughout Indiana University. The UFC-AAC will communicate with IUB, IUI, and regional campuses’ Academic Affairs Committees and with the IU President’s Academic Leadership Council. The committee should advise the Academic Leadership Council and the University Faculty Council on academic matters, collaborate on university-wide plans for strengthening the academic curriculum, and, where appropriate, develop university-wide policies and procedures that aim to improve academics at Indiana University. A standing Online Education Advisory Committee appointed by the UFC Executive Committee, will report to the AAC, and will include the highest administrator from IU Online or their designee as a non-voting member.
The executive committees of the campus faculty governing organizations shall appoint ten members to the Academic Affairs Committee , two members from IU Bloomington, two members from IU Indianapolis, one member each from IU School of Medicine, IU East, IU Kokomo, IU Northwest, IU South Bend, and IU Southeast, and one member appointed by the Online Education Advisory Committee. The UFC-AAC will be co-chaired by a nominee of the IUB, IUI, and regional campuses.
The composition of the Online Education Advisory Committee will include one representative from each IU campus and one representative from the IU library system, with a possible exception from the School of Medicine, depending on their preference or need for involvement. This committee will appoint one of its members to the AAC to act as liaison between the two bodies and bring action items to the AAC for approval. The Online Education Advisory Committee shall elect its chair.
Members should serve as liaisons to their campuses’ relevant faculty committees. Terms will be for 2 years, staggered.
H. Other Committees:
The Executive Committee may create and appoint ad hoc committees and task forces and may make recommendations of faculty members to serve on administratively appointed committees.
13. Amendments:
A. These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Council, by two-thirds vote of the voting members present, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to all voting members at least one week before the meeting.
B. Amendments are effective as of the date of their adoption by the UFC.
C. As amendments are adopted, the Faculty Council Office shall promptly revise the published versions of the Council's bylaws to incorporate amendments and shall notify the University Compliance and Policy Office.
D. The Executive Committee may update these bylaws at any time to reflect changes in the names and titles of university offices, officers or programs.
Adopted by the University Faculty Council:
April 16, 1974;
Amended by the University Faculty Council:
February 8, 1977;
April 26, 1977;
October 14, 1980;
December 8, 1981;
November 30, 1982;
March 8, 1983;
November 27, 1984;
March 26, 1985;
April 23, 1991;
February 9, 1993;
November 12, 1996;
October 14, 2003;
March 27, 2012;
February 24, 2015;
November 27th, 2018;
April 28th, 2020;
March 22, 2022;
April 26, 2022;
April 23, 2024.
Additional Revisions:
A reference to the renamed IU Columbus campus was updated on July 9, 2024.