Faculty Participation in the Executive Sessions of the Board of Trustees Meetings Memo
To: The Board of Trustees
From: Myles Brand
Date: April 29, 2002
Re: Faculty Representation in Executive Sessions
I am convinced that the participation of faculty leadership in certain Trustee executive sessions is important to the functioning of the University. Since I have assumed the presidency, I have attempted to encourage that participation. At this time, I believe it is important that the Trustees affirm the need for this participation. As you are aware, the Trustees of Indiana University meet from time to time in executive session as defined by Indiana Code 5-14-1.5-6.1. Pursuant to Indiana Code 5-14-1.5-2(f), the public is excluded from executive sessions, except that the Trustees may admit those persons necessary to carry out its purpose. I strongly believe that in order for the Trustees to carry out its purpose on a variety of matters, it is necessary to include faculty representation in certain executive sessions and that the appropriate faculty representative should be the senior co-secretary of the University Faculty Council or both co-secretaries, if the circumstances dictate.
I propose that the senior co-secretary of the University Faculty Council attend Trustee executive sessions. If the senior co-secretary is unavailable to attend a session, the junior co-secretary shall attend the session in place of the senior co-secretary. Should there be an executive session or portion of executive session in which faculty participation is inappropriate, the president of the University will consult with the senior co-secretary to identify those sessions. Examples of such sessions include those in which discussions occur regarding personnel matters, litigation, and collective bargaining. I recommend that after the University Faculty Council has reviewed this proposal, the Board take action to implement this policy. Unanimously endorsed on a motion duly made and seconded.
(Board of Trustees, May 3, 2002)

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