Union-Administration Relations (Union Release Time) (AFSCME Police, Local 683)

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 02-01-2013
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 02-21-2021
- Responsible University Office:
- Human Resources
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
- Policy Contact:
- IU Human Resources
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
This policy applies to all Non-Exempt AFSCME Police staff serving as representatives of AFSCME Police Local 683.
Policy Statement
- It is the intent of this policy to establish and embrace long term and mutually beneficial relations between Indiana University Administration and AFSCME Police Local 683. This policy is supplemental to and not in lieu of the Conditions for Cooperation. In case of conflict between these policies, the Conditions for Cooperation and Articles of Cooperation shall control.
- Neither the university nor the union will discriminate against any employee because of permitted employee organizational activities or membership, or the right to refrain from such activities or membership. There will be no discrimination against any employee in the application of the terms of any policy because of membership or non-membership in the union. No employee will be compensated in any way or receive special privileges for refraining from union activity or membership.
- This policy is intended to assist with the application of Articles 1 and 2 of the Articles of Cooperation found in this manual and will serve as a resource for decision making by AFSCME Police Local 683 officers/stewards and departmental management when a union official is participating in:
- Union/management meetings during normal work hours
- Union/management meetings during non-work hours
- Grievance investigation or preparation activities
- Corrective action or grievance meetings with management
- Union meetings during work hours
- Approved union-sponsored training programs
- Names of officers and stewards and assigned areas must be furnished to the campus Human Resource office, who in turn shall advise all unit management personnel concerned.
- Union Release Time
- Union/management meetings during normal work hours
- These are meetings with the campus Human Resource office or within an individual department, annual negotiations under the Conditions for Cooperation or to serve on committees when union participation is requested.
- Union officers or stewards will be released from their regular work shift without loss of pay to attend such union/management meetings provided the time spent is kept at a minimum. The time paid will be limited to actual meeting time plus necessary time, if any, spent during scheduled working hours, in traveling between the employee’s work location and the meeting location.
- The Union/management shall hold state-wide meetings via video-conference every six months unless the parties agree no meeting is necessary.
- Union/management at each campus shall hold meetings periodically as needed.
- Union/management meetings during non-work hours
- This is the same type of meeting as outlined in the previous section but the meeting is scheduled during hours outside the regular work shift for a union officer or stewards, as frequently happens for second- and third-shift employees. The person shall either:
- Receive the same amount of time to take off during that week
- Have that workday adjusted to permit either a late arrival or early departure for the same amount of time
- This provision will apply only if the employee is scheduled to work the following workday. For example, if the meeting is during the day on Tuesday and the employee's next scheduled workday is not until Wednesday night, this provision would not apply.
- The policy on change in work schedules will not apply in these cases.
- This is the same type of meeting as outlined in the previous section but the meeting is scheduled during hours outside the regular work shift for a union officer or stewards, as frequently happens for second- and third-shift employees. The person shall either:
- Grievance investigation or preparation activities
- Employees and stewards shall be allowed reasonable opportunity for discussion of complaints or grievances subject to the approval of the supervisor of each as to the earliest practical time when they both can be spared from the job. Grievance-related meetings and activities will be scheduled at times that are least disruptive to operations and so that they do not interfere with essential work requirements.
- If this release time is during the regular work shift of those involved, it will be with pay.
- If the time is during the hours outside the regular work shift of a participant, the time is without pay.
- For example, a union officer who normally works the first shift will be on his own time when visiting a work location on the second shift to meet with a grievance. Likewise, a grievant who works the second shift, will be on their own time during visits to the campus in the daytime to meet with a union officer to discuss a grievance.
- Employees and stewards shall be allowed reasonable opportunity for discussion of complaints or grievances subject to the approval of the supervisor of each as to the earliest practical time when they both can be spared from the job. Grievance-related meetings and activities will be scheduled at times that are least disruptive to operations and so that they do not interfere with essential work requirements.
- Corrective action or grievance meetings with management
- Since corrective action or grievance meetings in one of the specified steps of the grievance procedure are scheduled by management, the grievant and union official representing the grievant will be considered in pay status. If the meeting is during the hours outside the regular work shift of either the grievant or the official, they will receive either an equivalent amount of paid time off to be taken that week or will have the starting or ending time for that workday adjusted an equivalent amount of time.
- The policy on change in work schedules will not apply in these circumstances.
- When campus-to-campus travel by the union official is necessary, as determined by the respective chiefs of each campus, the below provisions apply:
- Reasonable travel time will be considered in pay status.
- The university will not reimburse mileage for the use of personal vehicles.
- This provision will remain in effect through June 30, 2015.
- Union meetings during work hours
- Time spent at union business meetings or conducting other union-related business such as solicitation of membership, dues or other internal organization business shall be conducted during non-work hours. Time away from work will either be without pay or charged against accumulated vacation or sick time at the employee’s choice and subject to departmental policies and practices concerning the scheduling of such time.
- If mutually agreed and if scheduling permits without hardship to the unit, adjustments in hours of work can be arranged.
- Approved Union-sponsored training programs
- If approved in advance by university administration and departmental management, union officers, stewards, and other approved union-represented employees will be allowed time away from work without loss of pay to participate in union-sponsored training programs.
- If such programs occur during hours outside the regular work shift of a participant, the time shall be without pay for that participant. If mutually agreed and if scheduling permits without hardship to the unit, adjustments in hours of work can be arranged so that pay is not lost.
- Union/management meetings during normal work hours
- Bulletin Boards
- The Union shall be allowed space on designated bulletin boards of the university for the purpose of posting notices pertaining to official union business such as notice of union meetings, election of officers, etc. Anything pertaining to matters other than official union business must first be submitted to and approved by the campus Human Resource office before it is posted.
- Working Space
- The Union officers shall be provided working space at each campus for the purpose of conducting Union related work and storing Union related records.
- Campus mail
- The union may utilize Campus Mail to distribute information to represented employees and appropriate administrative staff to the limitations set forth below and in all applicable federal laws and postal regulations.
The Union may only use Campus Mail for the following:- Notice of Union meetings for campus employees;
- Union nominations and elections of officers to represent campus employees;
- Appointment of campus Union officers;
- Documents related to the representation of an employee at any step of the Grievance Procedures; and
- Notices of meetings and minutes of any joint union-administration committees
- Mutually agreed upon policies and summaries of such policies
- Any other information approved by the campus Director of Human Resources.
- The union may utilize Campus Mail to distribute information to represented employees and appropriate administrative staff to the limitations set forth below and in all applicable federal laws and postal regulations.
Managers, supervisors, and employees who violate this policy are subject to corrective action, up to and including separation.
February 2021
Updated the staff employee group terms due to Job Framework Redesign Project.
May 2018
AFSCME Police Local 683 represents all police service staff.