Work Schedules and Hours for Non-Exempt Employees

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 11-01-1979
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 06-01-2022
- Responsible University Office:
- Human Resources
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
- Policy Contact:
- IU Human Resources
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
This policy applies to Non-Exempt (including PAO and PAU) staff eligible for overtime, and part time employees.
Policy Statement
Work Schedules and Hours
- The workweek for all campuses and units officially begins and ends at 12:00 midnight on Saturday.
- A full-time work schedule typically consists of five eight-hour days and 40 hours each workweek.
- If operational needs require, a unit may establish a full-time work schedule on a regular, ongoing basis, in which the work hours are not the same for each workweek of the pay period. In such schedules, hours covered by the Overtime policy are compensated at an overtime rate.
- The campus Human Resources office approves schedules different than 40 hours per week with written notification to Payroll.
- Units establish hours of operation, reporting, and departing times.
- Units may allow alternate work schedules that support operational needs.
- Any change in a staff employee’s work schedule requires advance approval of the supervisor.
- Note that if a change in a staff employee's work schedule requires the employee to work on a scheduled day off, the employee may be eligible for additional pay as provided by the changes in work schedule provision within the Premium Pay policy.
- Advance notification of a change in a part time employee's work schedule or notification of a lack of work is encouraged, although not required. Employees do not receive pay for canceled work, and no payment other than the regular hourly rate is received for rescheduled workdays or starting times.
- Employees should not be scheduled to work regularly for more than six days of the week.
- Every effort will be made not to schedule an employee for more than 16 consecutive hours.
- Weekly work schedules shall be documented and maintained with other payroll-related records within the department.
- Employees are responsible for accurately recording all hours worked on the university-provided timekeeping device or form. This includes remote work, whether at an offsite location or via electronic device. Work that is de minimis is not recorded.
- Each employee must submit the recorded time to their supervisor for approval. The supervisor is responsible for verifying the accuracy of the time submitted.
- It is each unit’s responsibility to maintain a record of all hours worked.
Shift Preference
- Shift preference for job openings having identical duties and responsibilities is given in order of occupational unit seniority. This is not applicable in units where the practice is to rotate shift assignments regularly.
- For Non-Exempt CWA staff, shift preference is given in order of university seniority.
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Service staff, once shift preference has been exercised for a given job vacancy, the employee must wait until another job vacancy occurs to exercise again their shift preference based on their occupational unit seniority.
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Police staff, if a campus unit utilizes a shift bid process, the following must occur:
- The shift bid process will take place at least annually.
- The shift bid results must be provided to employees at least 60 days before the shift effective dates.
- The shift bid priority is based on occupational unit seniority, which includes the occupational seniority of transferred employees.
Rest Periods for Non-Exempt (excluding PAO and PAU) staff, and part time employees
- Efforts will be made to permit employees to take rest periods.
- Reasonable breaks usually are 15 minutes during each half-day of work.
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Police staff and Non-Exempt AFSCME Service staff, this includes during overtime periods, if possible.
- Reasonable breaks usually are 15 minutes during each half-day of work.
- For employees required to work in adverse conditions, i.e., extreme heat or cold or noxious fumes, it may be advisable to schedule additional break periods. Such a decision is a matter within the discretion of the supervisor on the scene.
- Time allowed for rest periods is not cumulative and does not cover late arrival or early departure, nor can it be saved for later use.
- Breaks should be scheduled so that the efficiency of the work unit does not suffer. This can be accomplished by staggering rest period times so that all employees in the unit or within the workgroup are not taking breaks simultaneously.
Meal Breaks
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Police staff, an officer who works more than six consecutive hours will receive a paid meal break built into the shift. Police Service employees are expected to be available at all times during the meal break.
- All other Non-Exempt staff and part time employees should not be required to work more than six consecutive hours without a minimum 30 minute lunch period free from the job, unless mutually agreed to by the employee and the supervisor, see 3. below for further information.
- Non-Exempt AFSCME Service staff receive 30 minutes off for lunch each day unless a unit has established a different schedule. The university will provide an appropriate place for employees to eat their lunches.
- Non-Exempt CWA staff and Non-Exempt Non-Union (including PAO and PAU) staff receive one hour off for lunch each day, unless a unit has established a different schedule.
- By mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor, an employee can work more than six consecutive hours without an unpaid lunch break of 30 minutes or more, either as an occasional adjustment to the work schedule or regularly as part of an alternative work schedule. Every effort should be made to provide the employee a fifteen (15) minute rest period in these situations.
On-campus meeting attendance for Non-Exempt AFSCME Service Staff
It occasionally becomes necessary for employees whose regular shift begins between 4:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. to attend university-related meetings during the day. When the presence of an employee is required at a university-related meeting during the hours that the employee is typically scheduled off, the time spent in such meetings shall be compensated with supervisory approval, with compensatory time off. Such compensatory time shall be scheduled, if practical, by late arrival or early departure on the shift immediately preceding or immediately following the meeting. The unit decides to pay or grant the time off.
Off-campus work and travel time:
- When units require a staff employee to perform a work assignment off-campus or outside regular work hours, units should adhere to the provisions below when determining the employee’s eligibility for pay.
- Work-related assignments such as attending a class, conference, meeting, etc., apply. See 2. below.
- Travel time during regular work hours is work time.
- Travel time during regular work hours during the week but which occurs on a normally scheduled day off is work time.
- Driving that the employee is required to perform is always work time.
- Work performed while traveling is always work time.
- Special Provisions:
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Police, Non-Exempt AFSCME Service, and Non-Exempt CWA staff, travel time outside of the employee’s daily work schedule that exceeds the time required to travel from the employee's residence to their work station is work time.
- For a non-union employee who travels to another city and returns home the same day, the time spent traveling to and returning from the other city that exceeds their regular commute to work is also considered work hours.
- Any break in such travel time for meals of 30 minutes or more is not compensable and should be subtracted from the hours worked.
- If such travel should require overnight lodging, the time that the employee is free to "come and go" as they please, including attending voluntary social events presented as part of the conference, is not considered time worked.
- An employee who travels from home before the regular workday and returns home at the end of the workday is engaged in ordinary commuting, which is not work time.
- Any travel time not covered above is not work time.
- Approved attendance at lectures, meetings, training programs, and similar activities is work time if one or more of the following occur:
- Attendance is during regular work hours.
- The university requires attendance.
- The event is work-related.
- University work is performed.
- Employees can obtain current information concerning reimbursement entitlements and procedures from the unit account manager or Travel Management Services.
Uniform change time
- Employees who are required to wear uniforms but are not permitted to wear uniforms to and from work are allowed ten minutes in the scheduled work period for changing into and out of uniforms.
Reason for Policy
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, and record-keeping standards for the United States. Indiana University supplements the Act with policies on matters not covered in the FLSA, such as specific work hour rules, rest periods, and lunch breaks. The purpose of this policy is to describe both the FLSA and university rules and regulations on these topicsSanctions
Managers, supervisors, and employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
June 2022
Updated "temporary" employee nomenclature to "part time".
November 2021
IU HR completed a full and substantive review to assess the ongoing need and effectiveness.
February 2021
Updated the staff employee group terms due to Job Framework Redesign Project.
July 2019
Updates made to CWA procedures based on union discussions.
Replaces the following policies:
Union or Employee Group | Policy |
CWA | 5.4 - Travel Compensation and Reimbursement |
Temporary | 4.1 - Work Schedules, Hours, and Uniforms |
Replaces parts of the following policies:
AFSCME Police | AFSCME Service | CWA | Professional and Support/Service Staff not covered by a union |
Work Schedules, Hours, and Uniforms
| 6.3 - Work Schedules, Hours, and Uniforms
| 5.1 - Work Schedules, Hours, and Uniforms
| 4.3 - Work Time and Record Keeping for Support and Service Staff and Professional Staff who are Eligible for Overtime