Temporary Pay

About This Policy
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 07-01-2022
- Responsible University Office:
- Human Resources
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
- Policy Contact:
- IU Human Resources
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
- Indiana University pledges itself to continue its commitment to the achievement of equal opportunity within the university and throughout society as a whole. In this regard, Indiana University will recruit, hire, promote, educate, and provide services to individuals regardless of their protected characteristics listed in UA-01, Non-Discrimination / Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action.
- It is the policy of Indiana University to pay all employees accurately and to remedy any errors in a timely manner consistent with Indiana law.
- No supervisor or administrator may communicate or extend an offer contrary to the university policies related to employment, compensation, or benefits, nor imply or state that a contract has been created between the university and the current or future employee before the necessary approvals have been obtained. Only the president or vice presidents may offer actual contracts.
- Principles applicable to temporary pay adjustments:
- Employee’s job-related qualifications and performance
- Pay of other employees performing similar work in the Responsibility Center (RC).
- Percent of time that will be spent performing the temporary responsibilities.
- Unit’s fiscal resources
- The applicant or employee shall not be notified of the pay or salary action until the RC and any required campus approvals have been obtained.
- The campus human resources office provides consultative advice and assistance for temporary pay decisions at any point in the processes described below.
- Indiana University recognizes that department heads have the authority to assign higher-level responsibilities to an employee on a temporary basis, for situations such as the facilitation of flexible staffing and career development. In such cases, providing a temporary pay adjustment may be appropriate.
- When requesting a temporary pay adjustment for an employee, it is important to begin the process, whenever possible, before the employee actually takes on the additional temporary responsibilities.
- Temporary pay may be appropriate even if the employee retains significant portions of the employee’s regular responsibilities while performing the temporary responsibilities.
- Temporary assignments should be for less than one year.
- A temporary assignment to a position in the same or lower classification will not result in any loss to an employee. Normal pay increases will continue, and any employee benefits that may vary will be applied as to the employee's normal pay range.
- A temporary pay adjustment, unless otherwise noted, will be in effect for the exact period of the temporary assignment. The amount of the adjustment is determined in consultation with campus human resources and will be based on the extent of the responsibilities being performed, not to exceed 25% of the employee’s current wage.
- The department or campus human resource office must complete the Create Additional Pay eDoc with appropriate earn code to identify the temporary rate of pay and include an explanation including the following in the “Notes and Attachments” section:
- Copy of the current role descriptor indicating which, if any, of the responsibilities the employee will retain during the temporary period
- A listing of the additional responsibilities and the position number(s) from which they came, if applicable
- How the employee was selected for the additional responsibilities
- The temporary time period during which the employee is expected to perform the additional responsibilities (including beginning and ending dates)
- Explanation of the need for the temporary pay adjustment and any additional justification
- If the temporary assignment becomes permanent, HR-01-10, Establishing a Position, and HR-01-30, Posting a Position Vacancy, apply.
- When the employee is no longer performing the additional or new responsibilities, the employee's pay returns to the former base wage, plus any annual wage increase that may have occurred in accordance with Trustee policy.
- If, in an exceptional situation, a temporary assignment exceeds one year, the head of the RC must approve the extended assignment for a limited period of time and any special salary adjustment. Written approval should be obtained prior to submitting an eDoc with the approval copied into the “Notes and Attachments” section of the eDoc.
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Police and Non-Exempt AFSCME Service covered employees:
- If all of the following conditions are met, departments shall make temporary pay adjustments. Departments should consult with the campus human resource office to determine the pay adjustment.
- When the work of a position, vacated for any reason, is assigned, and the majority of the fundamental responsibilities of the position are performed by one employee.
- The pay grade of such position is higher than the employee's normal position.
- The temporary assignment is for more than 40 hours in any one pay period.
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Service covered employees, employees assigned by supervisors to train (other than orientation) an employee in a higher classification for a pay period (2 consecutive weeks) or more shall be eligible for a temporary pay adjustment. The temporary pay adjustment must be approved in advance by the department head.
- Up to a five percent (5%) wage increase may be considered to address more complex responsibilities assigned with no change in role.
- Increases must be approved by campus HR, and increases greater than five percent (5%) require IU HR approval.
- If all of the following conditions are met, departments shall make temporary pay adjustments. Departments should consult with the campus human resource office to determine the pay adjustment.
- For Non-Exempt CWA covered employees:
- A temporary assignment involves an employee assuming the higher-level responsibilities of a position other than the normal position for a limited period of time. In effect, the employee is functioning in the temporary position instead of the normal position, though the employee may retain some significant elements of the normal position.
- Pay changes that may accompany temporary assignments will be based on the following considerations:
- The exact nature or extent of the employee's assumption of higher-level responsibility in the temporary position.
- The expected length of the assignment.
- When such an assignment is made to a position in a higher range level for no less than two (2) weeks, the university will provide for a temporary salary adjustment.
- Temporary assignments of fewer than two (2) weeks or 10 working days, whichever is greater, will not result in any special compensation.
- The employee’s current wage in relation to the salary range of the temporary position.
- If a temporary assignment is expected to exceed one (1) year, then the head of the RC must approve the assignment and any special salary adjustment.
- Temporary assignments anticipated to extend to six (6) months or more may be advertised internally in accordance with the provisions of HR-01-30, Posting a Position Vacancy. Should the position later be made permanent, and the employee assigned was selected in accordance with the provisions of HR-01-30, Posting a Position Vacancy, then no further re-advertisement and selection is required.
- For Exempt and Non-Exempt Non-Union staff
- A temporary pay adjustment may be appropriate when:
- An employee assumes full or partial responsibilities of another position.
- An employee is assigned new responsibilities for a temporary period of time.
- The assigned responsibilities represent a significant change in scope of responsibilities or require different job competencies.
- The duration of the assignment of the new responsibilities is no less than two weeks and not more than one year.
- The temporary responsibilities are clearly differentiated from the responsibilities normally performed by the employee.
- A temporary pay adjustment is not appropriate for certain situations including:
- When the assignment is non-consecutive and too short in duration (less than 2 weeks).
- When additional responsibilities consist of a backup nature already expected of the employee.
- When additional responsibilities are distributed among a number of employees in such a manner as not to significantly impact the total workload of any one employee.
- When a supervisor assumes responsibilities for a subordinate; if the amount of work or duration of the work is significant, the supervisor may instead consider the hire of a temporary employee.
- When the employee is performing responsibilities already included in the employee’s role descriptor and/or responsibilities that are not included but are expected to be ongoing. Any discrepancy in the latter situation should be addressed by considering the responsibilities as part of the role and consulting with IUHR Compensation to review the position classification.
- When the employee is performing incidental work that falls under the description “other duties as assigned” such as serving on committees, including search committees, cross training, professional development activities, etc.
- In appropriate cases, a department head may provide additional pay to an employee who is performing additional or higher-level responsibilities on a temporary basis.
- For Non-Exempt Non-Union employees:
- The assignment of additional responsibilities to an overtime-eligible (i.e. non-exempt) employee may result in additional work hours and overtime pay.
- If, based on the above consideration, the department head determines that overtime pay is not sufficient to compensate for the additional responsibilities, the department head may consider a temporary pay adjustment.
- Exempt employees:
- The assignment of additional responsibilities to an overtime-exempt employee may or may not significantly increase the employee’s overall workload.
- If, based on the above consideration, the department head determines that the additional responsibilities assigned exceed the employee’s appointment status, the department head may consider a temporary pay adjustment
- For Non-Exempt Non-Union employees:
- A temporary pay adjustment may be appropriate when:
Role Descriptor: A summary of the most important aspects of a job that includes a brief summary, fundamental responsibilities, and work dimension details that are typical for the career level. Role descriptors create the foundation for career development. Role descriptors are maintained by IU Human Resources.
Fundamental Responsibilities or Responsibilities: Elements of a role descriptor that outline the work to be performed by an employee in that role.
Job or Role: A collection of positions whose duties and responsibilities are the same kind of work, at a similar skill set and responsibility level. The duties and responsibilities are alike enough that the positions have the same descriptive title and fundamental responsibilities and require substantially the same minimum qualifications. (In rare instances, a position with very unique duties and responsibilities may exist and may be the only position assigned to a role descriptor.) Each role has a defined job function, job family, and career level.
Career Level: A grouping of the jobs or roles in each job family into distinct levels based on compensatory job attributes, such as complexity, scope of impact, autonomy, supervision of others, and knowledge required.
Position: A specific set of duties and responsibilities officially assigned to a specific employee. A position’s duties may vary slightly from the collective set of fundamental responsibilities listed in the role descriptor assigned for classification purposes. For example, a program manager is a role that houses many like positions, but two employees in program manager positions in two different departments may perform various responsibilities for different projects or programs for which the associated tasks may vary. Each employee is in an individual position and has a unique position number.
Responsibility Center (RC): For the purpose of the salary administration policies, a Responsibility Center or distinguishable department within a large RC such as the IU School of Medicine or College of Arts and Sciences. A regional campus may consider the chancellor the RC head.
July 2022
Updates made based on union discussions.
March 2021
Updates due to Job Framework Redesign Project.
January 2021
Updates due to Job Framework Redesign Project.
December 2016
Revised to incorporate provisions of the 2016-2019 Agreement between Indiana University and CWA Local 4730.
February 2016
This policy combines the following policies:
Union or Employee Group | Policy |
AFSCME Police | Temporary Work and Pay |
AFSCME Service | 3.4 - Temporary Work and Pay |
Professional Staff and Support and Service Staff not Covered by a Union | 2.3 - Temporary Pay |
This policy replaces parts of the following policies:
AFSCME Police | AFSCME Service | CWA | PA/SS |
Position Classification/Reclassification Functional Issues | 2.11 - Recruitment-Selection | 9.4 - Salary Decisions for Individual Employees | 2.6 - Salary Decisions for Professional Staff |