Evaluation Periods for New, Promoted, and Transferred Employees

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 08-10-1977
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 03-04-2024
- Responsible University Office:
- Human Resources
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
- Policy Contact:
- IU Human Resources
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
- For New Employees
- It is the policy of Indiana University that all new staff employees will serve an evaluation period to provide assurance that the individual employed can satisfactorily fulfill the demands of the position. The length of the periods are as follows:
- Non-Exempt AFSCME Police staff employees will serve up to a 1-year evaluation period beginning at the start of the Field Training Program (FTO).
- All Non-Exempt CWA, Non-Exempt AFSCME Service, and Non-Exempt Non-Union employees at the time of their appointment to a staff position with the University will serve a minimum evaluation period of four (4) months.
- A department or campus may establish an evaluation period of six (6) months for such positions if it feels that it is appropriate for the work performed. Depending on campus-specific procedures, this may require approval from the campus human resources office. The employee should be informed of the evaluation period at the start of employment.
- Non-Exempt AFSCME Service employees will serve a four (4) month evaluation period. For extensions beyond the four (4) month period see “Failure to Successfully Complete the Evaluation Period” below.
- Exempt staff positions serve an evaluation period of six (6) months at the time of appointment.
- A department or campus may establish an evaluation period of 1-year for such positions if it feels that it is appropriate for the work performed.
- Depending on campus-specific procedures, this may require approval from the campus human resources office.
- The employee should be informed of the length of the evaluation period at the start of employment.
- A new university employee shall have no seniority until the total evaluation period, including any extension, is completed. Upon the completion of the evaluation period, seniority is acquired as provided for in HR-02-120, Seniority Date and Service Credit.
- During the new employee evaluation period, there are limitations on an employee’s eligibility to file a grievance. See Grievance Procedure for specific details.
- It is the policy of Indiana University that all new staff employees will serve an evaluation period to provide assurance that the individual employed can satisfactorily fulfill the demands of the position. The length of the periods are as follows:
- For Promotion, Demotion, or Lateral Position Changes
- An employee who voluntarily promotes or transfers to another position may serve an evaluation period depending on the employee group.
- Non-Exempt CWA covered employees who are promoted or transferred are not required to serve another evaluation period, with the exception of those who are placed into another position as a direct result of a reduction in force (RIF). See HR-10-20, Reduction in Force , for additional information.
- The length of the evaluation period follows the periods established under the For New Employees Section above, except as provided below:
- Non-Exempt AFSCME Police covered employees who transfer between campuses will be expected to successfully complete the Field Training Program on the new campus.
- Non-Exempt AFSCME Service covered employees must serve a 60-day trial period before the promotion or transfer becomes final. This ensures the individual can satisfactorily fulfill the demands of the position.
- At IUI, Non-Exempt AFSCM Service employees who transfer to a position with duties that are substantially the same as the former position do not serve a trial period.
- Staff who are involuntarily transferred or demoted, whose positions are assigned to another role descriptor in the job framework, or who are placed into another position as the result of a university reorganization are not required to serve another evaluation period.
- A promoted or transferred employee retains and continues to accrue university and unit seniority during the evaluation period.
- An employee who voluntarily promotes or transfers to another position may serve an evaluation period depending on the employee group.
- During the Evaluation/Trial Period
- Supervisors are encouraged to provide regular feedback to employees throughout their evaluation period; this includes a performance progress report around halfway through the evaluation period.
- The failure to provide this progress report will not limit the supervisor's right to terminate an employee during the evaluation period.
- At or near the end of the evaluation or trial period, the supervisor shall inform the employee as to whether the period has been satisfactorily completed, the period will be extended beyond the initial period, or the employee will be terminated during the evaluation period.
- Employees in evaluation status are eligible to use benefits such as accrued vacation and income protection (sick), holidays, tuition benefit, and training and education, provided the eligibility and use is in accordance with the respective policy.
- Supervisors are encouraged to provide regular feedback to employees throughout their evaluation period; this includes a performance progress report around halfway through the evaluation period.
- Completing the Evaluation/Trial Period
- The supervisor may decide at any time during the evaluation period that the employee has successfully completed the evaluation period. Action must be taken by the supervisor before the scheduled end date of the evaluation period. The employee should be informed in writing and a copy of which should be placed in the employee’s campus personnel file.
- The new employee evaluation period is not to be a part of any corrective action procedure. Therefore, once the evaluation period has been satisfactorily completed, an employee may not be placed into another new employee evaluation period unless the employee leaves the university and is rehired.
- Extending the Evaluation/Trial Period
- Supervisors may decide at any time during or at the end of the evaluation period that the employee has not had sufficient time to satisfactorily complete the evaluation period. In such cases, the period may be extended as follows:
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Police covered employees, the extension can be up to three (3) additional months for a total of a fifteen (15) month evaluation.
- For Non-Exempt CWA, Non-Exempt AFSCME Service, and Non-Exempt Non-Union staff, the extension can be up to two (2) months for a total of a six (6) month evaluation period.
- For Exempt staff positions, the extension can be up to six (6) additional months. Thus, the total evaluation period should be limited to a maximum of one year. Extensions beyond this limit should be rare and do require the approval of the human resources office before informing the employee.
- Should the evaluation period be extended beyond the minimum requirement, the employee should be informed in writing, a copy of which should be placed in the employee’s campus personnel file.
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Police covered employees, the employee shall be informed in writing with a copy to the campus human resources office.
- For Exempt staff positions, supervisors must inform all appointed employees whether they have satisfactorily completed the extended evaluation period.
- Supervisors may decide at any time during or at the end of the evaluation period that the employee has not had sufficient time to satisfactorily complete the evaluation period. In such cases, the period may be extended as follows:
- Failure to Successfully Complete the Evaluation Period
- If it appears that the employee will not successfully complete the evaluation period, the human resources office will help determine if a basis for termination exists, whether the documentation and due process steps of the Corrective Action policy (AFSCME Police, AFSCME Service, CWA, Professional Staff and Support and Service Staff not Covered by a Union, Temporary) have been taken in the case of a promoted or voluntarily transferred employee, whether more time should be provided, and whether other job opportunities exist that better suit the individual. These determinations will be made before an employee is separated from employment.
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Service covered employees who are promoted or transferred:
- When it is felt that a promoted or transferred employee may not successfully complete the trial period, the Corrective Action policy provisions on documentation (such as a completed progress report) and on the opportunity to receive and present information and ask questions prior to a final determination) are to be applied.
- At Bloomington and South Bend, if the employee is disqualified or voluntarily requests to return during the trial period, the employee can return to the employee’s former unit and job classification and regain unit seniority as of the effective date of the promotion or transfer. If the disqualification is appealed and upheld, the employee can return to the employee’s former unit and job classification and regain unit seniority as of the effective date of the promotion or transfer.
- At IUI, if, during the trial period, the employee is disqualified or voluntarily requests to return, the employee can return to the employee’s former unit and job classification if there is a vacant position which has not yet been offered to another individual (provided qualifications are met). If a vacant position is not available, the following provisions will be applied:
- A promoted or transferred employee who fails to meet the standards of the new job within the trial period may be given up to a two week notice of separation.
- The employee will be given preference for the next position open (provided qualifications are met) in the functional classification.
- A request for reinstatement in the employee's former occupational unit will be given first preference when an opening occurs.
- If reinstated in the previous occupational unit within one year of the date of promotion or transfer, the employee’s former seniority date in that unit will be reinstated.
- A promoted or voluntarily transferred employee who fails to meet the standards of the new position and is terminated within the evaluation period will be given preference for up to one year for other positions provided qualifications are met.
- A promoted employee who voluntarily requests within the evaluation period not to continue in the new position will be given preference for up to one year for other positions provided qualifications are met.
- If reemployed within one year of the date of the promotion, the employee’s University Service date will be restored.
- If reemployed in the previous occupational unit within one year of the date of promotion, the employee’s former seniority date in that unit will be reinstated.
- Promoted or transferred employees who are determined not to be successful and are removed from the position have access to all steps of Problem-Grievance Resolution Procedure.
Reason for Policy
The purpose of the evaluation period for a new, promoted, or transferred employee is to provide assurance that the employee can satisfactorily fulfill the demands of the position. It is not part of any disciplinary procedure.
Managers, supervisors, and employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
July 2024
Updated references to the renamed IU Indianapolis campus.
March 2024
Updated to reflect new university-wide process and remove Bloomington-specific procedures.
March 2021
Updates made due to Job Framework Redesign project.
January 2021
Updates made due to Job Framework Redesign project.
June 2018
Clarifying language added to 4. under Failure to Successfully Complete the Evaluation Period.
March 2018
Updated extending the evaluation/trail period for police officers to reflect AFSCME Police representing all police service employees.
February 2016
Replaces the following policies:
AFSCME Police | Evaluation Period for New Police Service Employees |
AFSCME Service | 2.6 - Evaluation Period for New Employees |
AFSCME Service | 2.14 - Trial Period for Promoted or Transferred Employees |
CWA | 10.4 - Evaluation Period for New Employees |
Professional Staff and Support and Service Staff not Covered by a Union | 3.4 - Evaluation Period for New or Promoted Employees |