Injury on the Job

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 04-16-1969
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 06-01-2022
- Responsible University Office:
- Human Resources
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
- Policy Contact:
- IU Human Resources
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
- Employees must report all on-the-job injuries to their supervisor immediately. If emergency medical care is required, the injury should be reported to their supervisor as soon as possible. Failure to report the injury promptly or in the case of cumulative trauma, when the employee becomes aware of the symptoms, may result in denial of the claim.
- Full-time appointed employees may receive supplemental benefits in addition to those provided by state law when injury or occupational disease is incurred while performing their duties, subject to the conditions described in the Procedures section below.
Reporting on-the-job injuries
- Step 1. Employees should check with their supervisor before seeking medical care except in emergency cases. The university has the choice of the attending physician for treatment of on-the-job injuries.
- For campus-specific treatment locations, check the IUHR Workers’ Compensation website under “identify Authorized Medical Provider.”
- Step 2. An Employer Notification for Treatment Form must be completed before or at the time treatment is sought. This form is available on the IUHR Workers’ Compensation website.
- Step 3. Upon receipt of information that an employee has incurred an on-the-job injury, the supervisor must report the injury using the Occupational Injury/Illness Report form. The form is available from the IUHR Workers’ Compensation website. The form must be sent to the Workers’ Compensation office within 24 hours regardless of whether professional medical attention or lost time is indicated. Supervisors may fax the form to 812-855-2720, or it can be scanned and emailed to
- An employee may not be entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits and university-provided injury leave if they:
- Fail to report the injury on the day of occurrence or in a timely manner, or in the case of cumulative trauma, when the employee becomes aware of the symptoms.
- Do not seek medical treatment for an injury that results in lost time.
- Seek treatment from a source other than a designated provider or from a hospital emergency room if warranted.
- Fail to follow any of the procedures contained in this policy.
Return to work
- Before leaving the treatment location, employees must obtain a physician’s statement regarding their return-to-work status and provide it to their supervisor upon returning to work.
- The following are three possible outcomes for an injured employee following initial treatment:
- The employee is released to return to work with no restrictions.
- The employee is released to work with temporary restrictions. If the university can provide work for the employee, the employee is brought back to work within the restrictions. If the university cannot provide such work, the employee remains off from work, and the supervisor must notify the Workers’ Compensation office.
- The employee is not released to return to work and remains off from work.
- If the attending physician gives the employee work restrictions and the university can provide work within the restrictions, then the employee is not entitled to receive temporary total disability benefits.
- If an FMLA-eligible employee declines an assignment offered under Workers’ Compensation, FMLA leave should start immediately. See the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Rights policy for details on initiating this process.
For accidents involving exposure to human tissue, blood, or fluid
- For accidents involving exposure to human tissue, blood, or fluid—within two hours of exposure—the employee must take (in person) one copy of the Occupational Injury-Illness Report form to:
- For campus-specific treatment locations, check the IUHR Workers’ Compensation website under “initiate treatment for injured employee.”
- Staff must contact the campus Human Resources office and the IUEHS Biosafety regarding accidents involving exposure to human tissue, blood, or fluid. For campus contact information, see
- A copy of the Occupational Injury-Illness Report form must be sent to the risk officer of Biosafety in Bloomington.
- If the employee can obtain a sample of the source of contamination, they should take the sample to the center or hospital for testing.
Eyewear and Chiropractic Services
- Workers’ Compensation will pay the cost of replacing or repairing eyeglasses or contact lenses damaged or broken due to an on-the-job injury or accident. If replacement is required, eyeglasses or lenses of an equivalent cost will be provided.
- Contact UHR Workers' Compensation (812-855-4847) for the approved local eyewear provider.
- If the attending physician in an on-the-job injury case recommends chiropractic services, the university will pay for the recommended services. There are specific circumstances in which this policy applies, and the employee should contact Workers’ Compensation for the guidelines before seeking chiropractic care.
Supplemental benefits
- Supplemental benefits that full-time staff employees may receive for an on-the-job injury are as follows:
- For the first work week of an on-the-job injury disability in a payroll calendar year that an employee cannot work, the university will provide up to 40 hours of injury (INJ) leave for 100% FTE employees at their base compensation. Employees at less than 100% FTE receive a prorated number of hours. Absence during this time is not charged to previously earned benefits.
- Such paid absence hours are limited to 40 in a payroll calendar year. Any other time missed from work due to an injury in that year will either be without pay or charged to the employee’s accumulated time off benefits at the employee’s choice.
- For Non-Exempt AFSCME Police staff and Non-Exempt AFSCME Service staff employees, subsequent injuries in a payroll calendar year, resulting in more than 21 days of missed work, will have the above limitation waived.
- Unit heads may require a physician's statement before approving payment for absences during this period of time.
- All lost time must be reported to the Workers’ Compensation office.
For Non-Exempt AFSCME Police staff and Non-Exempt AFSCME Service staff employees, supplemental benefits when an on-the-job injury occurs during an overtime assignment
- If an on-the-job injury requiring emergency medical treatment occurs during an overtime assignment, the employee will receive the supplemental benefits based on which of the following four outcomes occurs first. All four start at the time of the injury and end:
- When the employee is released from the emergency medical care provider and returns to work.
- When the employee is released from the emergency medical care provider and is restricted from returning to work, for no more than four hours. (Note, this would include the time required for the employee to return to the campus to obtain their vehicle to drive home if that should occur.)
- When the employee is released from the emergency medical care provider and moved to an overnight medical care facility, such as being admitted into a hospital from that hospital’s emergency room, for no more than four hours.
- When the overtime assignment ends, if it had a scheduled end time, or to the time that it did end for any employees remaining on the assignment, or could reasonably be concluded that it would have ended, for no more than four hours.
- The time covered under these options will be charged to INJ time at a time and one-half rate. Thus for each hour covered, the employee will receive 1 ½ hours of pay, and 1 ½ hours will be charged to the annual allotment of 40 hours of INJ time.
- If the INJ time for the year has been exhausted, the time off during the overtime assignment is without pay.
State of Indiana Workers’ Compensation Benefits
- If the Workers’ Compensation office determines that the employee is eligible, the employee will receive the benefit from the lost wages of the state Workers’ Compensation beginning on the eighth calendar day of disability. Such compensation pays a portion of the employee’s salary. State legislation (which changes from time to time) determines the exact amount paid by Worker’s Compensation.
- For information about payment amounts and claims procedures, contact the IUHR Workers’ Compensation office in Bloomington.
Payroll processing
- Employees may choose to supplement the state benefit (IND) through accrued university paid time off benefits to receive their full salary.
- Employees may charge a maximum of four hours per day to accrued paid time off benefits and compensatory time.
- When the employee uses earned time off, they continue to earn time off.
- Employees who choose this option will continue to accrue paid time off earnings at the full-time rate.
- When all benefit accruals have been used, or if the employee chooses not to use them, they can continue for an additional 29 calendar days receiving only the state Worker's Compensation payment.
- Starting with the 30th calendar day, unless the employee has returned to work, the employee will be placed on a Leave of Absence while still receiving the state Workers’ Compensation benefits as long as eligible under provisions of the law and will continue to receive university service credit.
- During this time, the employee will be recorded as absent without pay and benefit accrual.
- Worker's Compensation benefits continue as long as eligibility continues.
Permanent disability
When an employee is released from medical treatment with a permanent disability, then they may be covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). See the policy, Employment Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities Under the ADA-Title 1.
Managers, supervisors, and employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
June 2022
Updated "temporary" employee nomenclature to "part time".
January 2022
Updated based on vacation time policy change.
August 2021
IU HR completed a full and substantive review to assess the ongoing need and effectiveness.
February 2021
Updated the staff employee group terms due to Job Framework Redesign Project.
Replaces the following policies:
Union or Employee Group | Policy |
AFSCME (BL, IN, SB) | 10.4 - Injury on the Job |
AFSCME Police | Injury on the Job |
CWA | 7.2 - Injury on-the-Job |
Professional Staff and Support and Service Staff not Covered by a Union | 8.1 - Injury on-the-Job |
Temporary | 5.2 - Injury on-the-Job |