Associate to the Chancellor, Vice President, Provost, IU Alumni Association President

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 04-01-1997
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 11-09-2016
- Responsible University Office:
- VP and Chief Financial Officer
- Responsible University Administrator:
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
- Policy Contact:
Rozzie Gerstman
Assistant Vice President
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
Policy Statement
The Chancellor of a campus, a Vice President, the Provost or IU Alumni Assocation President may initiate a personnel action form appointing his or her spouse as an Associate to their respective position.
These positions of Associates will be non-salaried positions.
All parties will exercise the same good judgment that is used in the management of all affairs of the campus and/or university in implementing these guidelines, with particular regard to the appropriate use of public funds.
The University Human Resources Office will establish the titles of "Associate to the Chancellor", "Associate to the Vice President", "Associate to the Provost" and "Associate to the IU Alumni Assocation President" and assign appropriate codes to identify these positions within the official employee databases. These Associate positions:
- may be issued an Indiana University identification card in accordance with campus procedures pertaining to university employees.
- may be provided access to Indiana University libraries and other facilities in accordance with campus procedures.
- may be provided access to an Indiana University electronic mail account in accordance with campus procedures.
- may be provided, upon request, business cards at university expense.
- may acquire parking permits in accordance with campus procedures pertaining to university employees.
- may be reimbursed for university-related travel expenses in accordance with established Indiana University employee travel policies and procedures.
- may be provided insurance coverages equivalent to that provided to paid university employees while traveling on university business.
- may be provided coverage equivalent to workers' compensation insurance to cover an injury arising out of and in the course of services performed as an Associate.
- may be provided coverage consistent with the Trustees' Liability Insurance resolution, dated May 22, 1971, for defense and indemnification, with respect to claims resulting from acts or omissions while performing services as an Associate. No coverage will be provided for claims resulting from actual fraud, corruption, malice, or other activities outside the scope of his or her position.
Reason for Policy
Because the spouse of the Chancellor of an Indiana University campus, a Vice President, the Provost or IU Alumni Assocation President has certain responsibilities to the University that result from these respective positions, it is important to establish guidelines to assist the respective spouse in carrying out these responsibilities.
Upon appointment of a new campus Chancellor, Vice President, Provost or IU Alumni Association President, the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer will send a letter to the respective executive advising him or her of the policy. A copy of the policy will be transmitted with the letter. If other senior university administrators wish to establish similar Associate positions with commensurate benefits for their spouses, a formal written proposal must be submitted to the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer to grant such a request. The Vice President and Chief Financial Officer's office will work with the appropriate university offices to ensure timely completion of the administrative processes necessary to complete the appointment. The Vice President and Chief Financial Officer may grant exceptions to the policy upon petition by the respective executive.