University Faculty Council Records

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 04-26-1983
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 04-28-2020
- Responsible University Office:
- University Faculty Council
- Responsible University Administrator:
University Faculty Council
- Policy Contact:
Campus Chief Academic Affairs Official
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
- All records created, received, maintained, distributed or otherwise directly related to the proceedings and actions of the University Faculty Council, regardless of the format.
- This policy does not apply to records associated only with committee proceedings, including executive committee meetings, except as provided herein.
- This policy does not apply to documents used only during an Executive Session of the University Faculty Council.
Policy Statement
- The records of the University Faculty Council are the property of the university and shall be preserved and retained in accordance with policy UA-18, University Records Retention and Disposition.
- The records of the University Faculty Council maintained by the Faculty Council Office shall be available to all members of the university community.
- In order to maintain complete records of University Faculty Council business, electronic communications intended for the full membership of the UFC or its committees shall be made through the official email lists created by the Faculty Council Office.
- The Faculty Council Office and its Director are responsible for implementing this policy.
- The records of UFC committees are an important resource for the efficient administration of Council activities. Committees should keep records of their activities and pass them to their successors when new committee members are appointed.
Reason for Policy
UA-18, University Records Retention and Disposition creates an overall policy on records retention and a schedule for university records and provides that faculty governance organizations are subject to it. This policy is intended to align University Faculty Council records policy with UA-18.
- The Director of the Faculty Council Office shall arrange for the collection, preservation, and disposition of the Records of the UFC. The Director should also obtain and preserve copies of powerpoints, documents in .pdf format, or other visual aids used during University Faculty Council meetings whenever it is practical to do so.
- The Director of the Faculty Council Office shall consult with the University Archives and the University Records Retention and Disposition Committee about identifying records to be preserved, the methods of preservation, and the retention and disposition schedule.
Records: recordings, transcripts, minutes, agendas, circulars, roll-call votes, election ballots, and any other material defined as a record by policy UA-18, University Records Retention and Disposition.