Indiana University School of Medicine Paid Family Leave for Academic Appointees
The following interim policy provisions have been adopted to comply with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
Indiana University employees (including all academic appointees, staff, and temporary employees) are eligible for Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL). Additional eligibility requirements apply to Student Academic Appointees and Adjunct instructors. EPSL is available from July 1 to December 31, 2020.
Indiana University employees (including all academic appointees, staff, and temporary employees) may be eligible for Emergency Family Medical Leave (EFMLA) if they have been employed for at least 30 days prior to their leave request. EFMLA is available through December 31, 2020.
Information regarding the implementation of EPSL and EFMLA, including how to apply, can be found at

About This Policy
- Effective Date:
- 06-12-2009
- Date of Last Review/Update:
- 02-20-2025
- Responsible University Office:
- Office of the Dean, School of Medicine
- Responsible University Administrator:
- Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
- Policy Contact:
IU School of Medicine
Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
- Policy Feedback:
- If you have comments or questions about this policy, let us know with the policy feedback form.
All full-time Indiana University School of Medicine academic appointees with at least one year of continuous, full-time service.
Policy Statement
- General Statement
- Indiana University School of Medicine supports an environment that offers solutions to the complex issues academic appointees face in balancing their work and family commitments. Family leave provides eligible academic appointees with up to twelve weeks of fully or partially paid leave, for either or both of the following events:
Family formation, which includes the birth, adoption, or placement of a foster care child by the academic appointee or academic appointee’s spouse or domestic partner
Family care, which includes the primary care of an eligible family member with a serious health condition
- Family leave is not intended to be a supplemental pay plan. The policy allows an academic appointee to take necessary time off from work without undue financial hardship. People may need variable amounts of leave and it is expected that paid leave periods will vary by need and circumstances. An appointee should not be expected to perform duties while on leave, to make up time or work, or to be on call in the clinical settings. The leave is intended to relieve the appointee of responsibilities so he or she may attend to the family need. Sick leave for the academic appointee is subject to a separate university policy (ACA-49). Leave taken pursuant to this policy shall fulfill all or part of the requirements of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act.
- Indiana University School of Medicine supports an environment that offers solutions to the complex issues academic appointees face in balancing their work and family commitments. Family leave provides eligible academic appointees with up to twelve weeks of fully or partially paid leave, for either or both of the following events:
- Eligibility
- Both 10- and 12- month academic appointees are eligible for family leave after one year of continuous full-time Indiana University service. Visiting, adjunct, part-time (as defined by applicable university policies pertaining to health benefits status), post-doctoral, and intermittent appointees are not eligible for family leave.
- This policy applies only to salaries paid by the University; it has no application to salaries or other compensation from other sources, including professional practice plans.
- Eligible Family Members
- Spouse, domestic partner, parent, dependent child, or dependent child of the appointee’s spouse or domestic partner.
- Leave Frequency
- Academic appointees may take family leave up to twice every five years, but the appointee must return to full-time service for at least five months between leaves. Family formation leave must be concluded within six months of the birth of the child or within six months of the date the child is placed in the physical custody of the academic appointee. The first week of any family leave begins the period for calculating both the twelve weeks and five- year eligibility period.
- Short Term Absences
- Short term absences of three weeks or less should continue to be arranged informally within a department.
- Break Periods & Vacation Time
- All semester breaks and recognized university holidays (e.g., Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring breaks) count in the leave period. The first eight weeks of leave taken under this policy will not be deducted from any accrued vacation time for which an appointee is eligible. The remaining four weeks of leave taken under this policy may be deducted from accrued vacation time using one of the following options: the remaining four weeks shall cause the accrued vacation time to be reduced by 2 weeks; or the remaining four weeks will be paid at 50% of salary, with no reduction in accrued vacation time.
- Flexibility & Teaching Assignments
- When a proposed leave under this policy would prevent an appointee from carrying out his or her regular responsibilities for greater than 12 weeks, he or she must reach an agreement with their department chair or designee that meets the needs of both the appointee and the department.
- All agreements must be committed in writing, signed by the appointee and the head of the relevant academic unit, and approved by the School of Medicine Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development (or designee) and Dean of the Faculties or Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. It shall be the responsibility of the School of Medicine Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development and Dean of the Faculties, or Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs to ensure that all agreements entered into are voluntary and fair to both the appointee and the University.
- Relationship to ACA-47: Leaves for Academic Appointees Policy
- Section three of ACA-49, titled Sick Leave, is separate from family leave granted under this policy. Sick leave is intended to cover periods of time when the academic appointee is sick or medically unable to perform the duties associated with a position. Medical disabilities related to pregnancy are treated as any other temporary medical condition covered under sick leave. Family formation leave granted under this family leave policy supersedes the Pregnancy and Childrearing Leave policy (section four of ACA-49).
- As is the case with this family leave policy, the sick leave and pregnancy and childrearing leave policies apply only to salaries paid by the University; they have no application to salaries or other compensation from other sources, including professional practice plans.
- Tenure Clock and Annual Reviews
- Failure to perform duties during the leave period shall not be considered in the evaluation for reappointment, tenure, promotion, or merit pay. Subject to review and approval as outlined in applicable university policy, the tenure clock may be extended upon request of the faculty member; such a request is made separately from the request for family leave.
- Implementation
- The School of Medicine Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, Dean of the Faculties, or Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs shall provide information, interpretation, documentation, and enforcement of this policy and shall annually provide a report on the utilization of this policy to the agenda committee of their respective campus faculty councils and shall be available to answer questions of the council concerning this policy.
Effective Date
This policy takes effect on August 10, 2018 and it applies to leaves commenced on or after that date.
Previous versions of this policy were approved by the Indiana University Board of Trustees on June 12, 2009.
Interim provisions to this policy were put into effect on August 17, 2020 to comply with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
The Indiana University Board of Trustees approved the change of Responsible Policy Administrator from the Board to Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer on February 20, 2025.